Part 13🐼🦆🦒🦙🍜

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Zach's POV
We had just arrived in LA. I love the smell of fresh air and love the feeling of being home."Are you alright Lucy?" "Yeah I'm fine just cold that's all." "Come here." I attempt to keep Lucy warm, which she soon relaxed so it must be helping. We collected our bags and made our way outside to get a taxi. Traffic was busy as always, honestly don't miss this part of being home. "Taxi." I called out. "Come on let's go." Lucy followed me towards the car, but all of a sudden a van comes racing down the street. It was too late. Lucy got hit by the van. My heart had broken into a million pieces. I raced to her side as quickly as I could. Her pulse was slow. "Someone call 911!!!" By now there was so many people surrounding me, just staring at Lucy, confused by what had just happened, and well so was I. "Come on Lucy, stay strong for me." I could feel her pulse fading. My heart was aching. She can't die. Not now.

By now the ambulance had arrived but Lucy was weak. They rushed over to her and checked her condition. They quickly started CPR. I started to panic, and I couldn't help but pace back and forth. The police had arrived and were walking towards me. "Excuse me can I please ask you some questions." I just stood there frozen. "What type of vehicle hit this young lady." "Umm it was a black van, it just came out of no where, speeding down this street towards us, but it was too late." I started to break down crying. "Do you know who could have done this?" I was about to answer when I heard someone shout "Were gonna lose her." I raced over to her, ignoring the fact that the police were walking on an answer. I was so close to Lucy when I got pushed back. "Sir you can't come past here." "But she is my girlfriend!" "If you don't give them space to help her she will die! I'm sorry sir, but it's for the best." I watched as they kept doing CPR, trying to get her back. My heart was aching from the loss of life of my soulmate. If she doesn't come back soon I may have to live like this until I die too. Which could be soon!

They continued doing CPR for another 10 mins and then they stop. "Time of death, 1:42pm." "No!!" I screamed, "You have to continue!" "I'm sorry sir but she is gone."

Word Count: 436 words

Well what a cliff hanger!
Hope you guys r liking it x
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