Part 15🐼🦆🦒🦙🍜

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Courtney's POV (She's back!!)
It had been a couple days since the accident and I had decided to go down to LA and see if I could help in anyway. When I first saw Lucy she honestly looked life less. The Lucy I know is full of energy, bubbly, and always seems like she had ants in her pants. But the Lucy in front of me seemed to be frozen in time, cold to touch like she was already dead. I have been here most days, just checking in on Zach and Lucy, and seeing if there are any changes to her recovery. She had lost so much blood, that they had to give her a blood transfusion. Lucy had broke 3 ribs, an arm and her leg. Zach had stayed by her side the moment he stepped foot in to her hospital room. He hadn't left to go have a shower or change his clothes. He slept at the hospital overnight and would get people to get him food so he wouldn't leave her side, just in case she woke up. Zach is worried about Lucy, so am I and the doctors are too. They have no idea when she will wake up and they are starting to lose hope.

(Time Skip)

It had been two weeks since the accident. Lucy's parents had decided to come down for a week to see her. And I guess as well to say their last goodbyes to her. The doctors had tried turning off the life support in attempted to see if she would respond and wake up, but it never worked, so they would have to turn it back on and try again later on. Everyone was starting to lose hope of Lucy coming back besides poor Zach. He looked dead inside and out, he was becoming weaker and weaker each and everyday. He was in so much pain, I thought that he might die before Lucy. Well I guess they will die together, like Romeo and Juliet. But yet besides all of the pain and suffering he still believed that Lucy would come back, more importantly come back to him. Looking at Lucy now, she is all grey and cold, and to be honest already seems as though see has died. It was just sad to see her like this, my best friend, the person I went to for help for so many years, now here lifeless.

It was just Lucy, Zach and myself in the room when we heard a knock on the door. The door opened and in come the doctor who was looking after Lucy. "Hello, I umm have some news about Lucy's condition." "Yes!" Zach gleamed with happiness, thinking it was good news. "Well if Lucy doesn't wake up in the next couple of days we will have to turn off her life support for good."

Word Count: 478 words

Yes sorry for the cliff hanger again and sorry if this had upset anyone. Please add me on instagram @seaveyherron2002 x

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