Part 44 🐼🦆🦒🦙🍜

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Daniel's POV
Courtney's contractions had became stronger. I got Court her birthing ball so she could sit on it while reducing pains and speeding up labor. "Okay that's three minutes apart now. Do you want to go to hospital now." Courtney nodded. "Lucy did you want to come?" "Only if it's okay with you two." "Of course Lucy, you are the god mother after all." Courtney said with a smirk on her face. "What Wait!! Are you guys for real?" "Yes Lucy, both you and Zach are the god parents, well that's if you want to be." I told her. "Of course, me and Zach would both love to." "Does Zach want to come?" "I'll go ask him now, I'll meet you guys in the car." She left the room to go ask Zach. I grabbed the hospital bag for Courtney and munchkin, and then helped Court down the stairs and into the car, shortly followed by Zach and Lucy.

We had arrived at the hospital, Zach rushed in and got a wheel chair for Court, while I was helping her get out of the car. "Just breathe baby." I was trying to calm her down. Her contractions were getting stronger and stronger by the minute. We walked through the doors and through to reception. "My girlfriend is in labor!" I told the nurse at the desk. "How far apart are the contractions?" "3 minutes apart." "Right this way!" We followed her down a hallway to a room. I helped Court get as comfortable as she could and we waited.

(Time Skip)

Lucy's POV
It had now been 4 hrs since we left Court and Daniel in the birthing room. Still no sign of munchkin. I can't wait to meet him!! I wonder what they are going to call him? "Hey baby?" "Yeah babe?" "Are you scared for the birth?" "Umm... well... yeah! I mean who wouldn't but I know that it will be worth it!" "I can't wait to meet them." Zach said while rubbing my stomach. "Yeah me too."

"Zach Herron and Lucy Smith!" A nurse called out. We got up and followed after her. "The baby has been born." She opened the door for us. "Omg!!! He is so cute!!" "Do you want to hold him." Court asked me. "Umm... YES PLEASE!!" She laughed at me. She passed him over to me. He was honestly so adorable. Zach came over and was holding his hand. "So what's his name?" "Say hello to Archie James Seavey" "Omg that's so cute. Matching middle names." We all laughed. Little Archie started to cry. "Okay someone wants a feed." I passed him back over to Court. I can't wait for this to be me.

Word Count: 454 words

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