Chapter 3

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Tw: swearing, reference to masturbation.


This is weird, usually, my clients are excited to be with me, maybe nervous, but never like this. "Hey is everything okay?" I ask him, he nods, but I don't believe him. "Okay. Let's go to a private room and we can talk a bit more, okay?" I ask. He nods, and I grab his hand to pull him behind me up the stairs to a different part of the club. "So, first time here?" I try making conversation.

"What gave it away?" He laughs, and I think he's starting to relax.

"Oh nothing, just a lucky guess" I laugh. We're almost at the room, when he suddenly stops, I'm still holding his hand, and I almost trip. I turn around and he looks so ... confused? Distressed? I don't know what to call it but he doesn't look happy.

"I- I don't want to have sex with you" He stutters out, and I don't know what has happened to this man, but I'm worried about him. His brow is furrowed uncertaly, but he looks very sure about not wanting to follow me.

"Yah okay, that's fine, but your friends won't be back for an hour and I really don't think you should just wander around in the club alone right now, just come sit down for a second, okay?" I gently grab his hand and when he doesn't pull away, I lead him into the room I planned on taking him to. I'm honestly more used to this than people would think, it's just usually afterward that people start freaking out not before. Especially if I pick up someone who wants something more in the BDSM vein, I know how to deal with distressed submissives, it's just not what I expected to be doing tonight.

I get him into the room, it's a nice room, looks like a normal hotel, and I hope that's calming to him. I keep a hot plate in the room for situations like this, offering someone tea always makes people feel better and I'll stand by that.

After he's made himself comfortable, and I've gotten him some tea, I decided it's okay to try and talk to him. "So what's up? Usually, people jump at the opportunity to get to fuck me, what gives?" I joke trying to lighten the mood, but he just looks worried. "I'm joking. Calm down"

"Can I ask you a question" he cuts in, I still get the feeling that he doesn't trust me, and thinks me giving him tea is an elaborate plan to get him to have sex with him.

"Yeah, shoot"

"Why are you being so nice to me? You already have the money for me, you could be getting paid by another person right now." He sips his tea, almost using it as a shield to not make eye contact.

"That's very true, I could. But I wouldn't feel right just leaving you, I don't know what's going on, but I'm pretty sure if I left you alone I'd find you in the washroom having a panic attack seven minutes later. Also, you seem kind of cool, I'm here for work, but also a good time, and getting to know you seems like a good time" I explain sitting cross-legged beside him on the bed.

"Woah that's really nice" he mumbles, looking less uneasy.

"Can I ask you a question?" I turn to face him fully, he just nods. "Okay, you looked really stressed almost the whole time you were in the club, do you know why it was such an uncomfortable experience for you?" I ask, really curious to get inside his head.

"Not really to be honest" he shrugs.

"Bull shit"

"What?" He asks incredulously. "You can't ask me if I know something then-"

"I said bull shit, you know. You're just too scared to say, even though I'm the best person to talk to about it" I elaborate, I realize how challenging my tone sounds, but it's in line with how I feel so I don't try to calm it down. 

My Boy// SnowBaz ✔️Where stories live. Discover now