Chapter 16

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Tw: violence, talk of sex, assault, swearing


    I'm in the shower, getting ready for work, and I grin to myself thinking of Simon. I'm really lucky that I get to be a part of his life right now, this morning was so different from anything I'd ever experienced with some else. Getting to help someone figure out themselves isn't something that I get to do that often.

    I'm also finding it slightly alarming that I can feel myself falling for him. I'm still not sure how a relationship would work out between us, but I guess the best way to learn is through experience.


    "I think I'm going to have sex with Baz" I announce to Penny halfway through watching fashion runway. Our dinner dishes are still on the coffee table in front of us, and Penny looks like she's about to fall asleep (or she did). She's fully awake now.

    "I thought that wasn't your thing?" She picks up the remote to pause the show.

    "Yeah me neither, but maybe it's just because I've never had it before," I tell her excitedly, I think I've finally put the pieces together.

    "Yeah?" She sounds confused.

    "Yeah!" I nod my head.

    "Okay, Simon" she smiles, and she looks excited for me. "One thing though" she looks nervous.


    "If it doesn't work out, and you realize it isn't your thing, you know that's okay, right?" She asks seriously. I honestly didn't really think about that, I thought I had solved my issue, but she's right. It may not work...

    "I've decided not to think about that" I assure her and press play on the remote. She grabs it out of my hand and presses pause again.

    "Simon, seriously" she makes me look her in the eyes, and if I wasn't feeling uncomfortable before, I definitely am now.

    "Yeah I know it's okay, but I really think it will be good" I smile encouragingly.

    "Okay" she concedes, and presses play on the remote. "I trust you".


    I leave my flat after saying goodbye to Dev and get in the cab I called. When I get in the car I recognize the driver instantly, but decided to not bring it up unless he does. I tell him where I'm going, and I can tell he knows who I am right away. "What was your name again?" He asks, his toothy grin making me feel uneasy.

    "Baz," I tell him stiffly. He used to come to the club regularly, then one day he just stopped. He's in his late fifties, has a bad sense of style, a wife, and is one hundred percent the type of creep that would make me cross the street if I saw him at night.

    "Hm yes, I remember you" he laughs even though he didn't say anything funny. I just smile politely and go on my phone to try and ignore him. "I'll cut you a deal on the cab ride if you want" he looks up at me through the rearview, and before I respond he continues. "If you blow me I'll give you free rides for a week" he grins again, and his teeth somehow look even worse.

    "I'm not working right now" I try to turn him down without causing conflict. One thing a lot of people don't realize is that even though my job is to have sex with people, I still get to choose who I sleep with. I either need to be attracted to them, or they need to have deep pockets, and this cabbie possesses neither trait.

    "Hm what a shame, how about you blow me anyway?" He suggests as he pulls into an ally way. My hand is already on the handle to open the door, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to move. I've never had to deal with someone like him outside of the club, I don't know what to do... Once I hear the slam of the driver's door though, I snap out of it. The cabbie opens my door, I don't know what he thought was going to happen, but as soon as I can, I throw a punch that hits his jaw with a loud cracking sound. I want to stick around to really get it through this asshole's head, but I know it's not worth it. He's older and slower than me, so I take my chance to get out of the ally into view of people, and then head to the closest open restaurant. I would've preferred a coffee shop, but all the ones around me are already closed.

    I know I can't  work right now, I feel a bit bad, but I know it doesn't really matter if I don't show up. I pull out my phone, and without even thinking about it, I call Simon. It's only eleven I hope he's still up.

    "Hello?" He sounds tired.

    "Hey, I'm really sorry I know it's late. But I need you to come pick me up. Please" My voice is weak and I don't like the way it sounds right now. And I don't think Simon does either because his response sounds worried.

    "Yeah, where are you?" He asks. I give him the address and anxiously wait for him to arrive.

    I take a breath, I don't know why that was so scary for me, but it was. It's so annoying, I shouldn't be bothered by that sort of thing, it's practically my job, but I can feel myself shaking, and I can't make myself stop.

    It only takes about fifteen minutes for Simon to pull up to where I'm waiting, but it feels like it's been an hour. I get in the passenger seat and let out a loud sigh. I throw my work bag into the back seat angrily, Simon watches me looking concerned, but doesn't he say anything. He  just starts driving. "You okay with going for a bit of a drive?" He asks.

    "Yeah, that sounds good" I close my eyes and rest back against the seat.

    "Wanna tell me what happened," he asks after a while. I open my eyes and see that Simon has driven us out of the town, into the suburbs.

    "It wasn't really anything, my cab driver was an old client, and wouldn't take no for an answer" I focus my eyes on my knuckles while I crack them.

    "What do you mean?" He asks.

    "He wanted me to blow him in exchange for a couple of free cab rides, I said no, and he pulled into an alley to try and make it happen anyway" I purse my lips and suddenly really need some water. Simon has a water bottle in the cup holder, and I help myself.

    "What did you do?" He asks, and pulls onto a road I know takes us back towards the city.

    "I punched that mother fucker in the head and walked away" I can't help but smile a bit.

    "Good" I'm surprised to hear defensiveness in Simons voice. "Are you okay?" He pulls into the drive-through of a Starbucks.

    "Yeah, it was still kind of scary though" I shrug.

    "Of course. That does sound scary, I'm glad you're okay though" he rests a hand on my thigh and I'm surprised by how warm it is. "What do you want?" He asks, gesturing to the menu.

    "Whatever you're having is fine" I don't really go to Starbucks that often, so I don't know what's good. I should've known better than to order the same thing as him though, because Simon hands me a warm drink covered in whipped cream and chocolate sauce. "What is this?" I ask.

    "Caramel chocolate mocha," he tells me while sipping his.

    "It's so sweet" I complain, but still take a second sip.

    "It's good to have this sort of stuff every now and then, it's good for the soul," he tells me matter of factly. And I just chuckle.

    "Do you mind if I stay with you tonight?" I ask, feeling a bit bad about imposing.

    "No I don't mind at all, I assumed I was taking you home with me. No way was I 'bout to just leave you at your door and drive off" he almost sounds offended that I asked.

    "Okay thanks" I smile and take another sip of the drink, and am disturbed by myself for starting to enjoy it.

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