Chapter 9

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Baz is coming over to my apartment tonight, we have plans to make homemade pizza together, and I would be lying if I said this isn't going to be the highlight of my week.

I double-check to make sure I have all the ingredients before going to change. I'm still trying to figure out what to wear when I get a text from Baz saying he's about 5 minutes away. I quickly pull on a comfortable outfit, and barely have my socks back on when I hear a knock at the door.

I'm on my way to let him in, but when I round the corner I see him closing the door behind him. "Hi?" I laugh at his confidence to just walk in the first time he visits my flat.

"Hi" he smiles. "I let myself in is that okay?" He asks.

"Yeah totally" I grab his jacket from him and hang it up while he struggles to pull off his boots.

"Is the guy from the club here?" Penny shouts from the kitchen. I roll my eyes, I did ask her to be out of the house or at least in her room, and she agreed, so what is she doing?

"Yes," I shout over my shoulder and apologize to Baz.

"No worries" he laughs. "Also, You only know me as the guy from the club!?" He shouts back and laughs as he sees my face redden. I don't know what to do. I wanted to make a good first impression having him in my flat, but I don't know what's even going on at this point.

"Yes, what else do you want? The dude I paid a couple hundred to talk to my idiot friend?" Penny enters the front room with a sandwich, and a humoured expression plastered to her face.

"What? Simon doesn't talk to you about me?!" He asks incredulously, and I can't tell if he's joking.

"I mean he does, but I don't think I'm allowed to refer to you the way Simon does or I'd get in trouble" she takes a bite of her sandwich triumphantly.

"Penny!" I hiss. She just laughs it off and waves to Baz before climbing the stairs to her room.

"I like her she's funny" Baz chuckles, then he does something I don't expect, he grabs my hand and leads me into the kitchen. There's been a bit of awkwardness between us since we started hanging out (probably because our relationship started on the premise of him fucking me for money) but I'm guessing he's trying to get rid of it.

"So we're making pizza?"

• • •

The pizzas are in the oven and we're sitting on the sofa waiting for them to finish. I don't know where to put my arms and the sofa feels too small for two people right now, even though Penny and I can comfortably share it. "So what was Penny talking about when she said that you talked about me, but she couldn't say?" He asks, but I can tell he already knows what she meant. He looks far too interested in the answer to not know that it's all good stuff.

"Fuck off" I laugh, playfully pushing the hand away that he had placed on my shoulder for dramatic effect. We both laugh, but when it dies out he turns back to me looking more serious.

"But Simon actually. I want to know how you feel about me, or at least where we stand in this relationship." I'm about to cut in, but he continues. "Because I really like you, and I'd really like to keep seeing you, but I want to make sure we're on the same page". For the first time tonight he looks nervous. I didn't expect him to bring up this conversation, I genuinely thought my feelings were one sided, and now I don't know what to feel. I'm happy that we might get closer in a different way, but also so confused how it could possibly work out.

"I- um. I feel the same, I really do. But I'm going to be honest I'm surprised you like me, because I feel like it'd be so complicated for us to get together" I try to explain, and I see Baz's expression fall.

"Why don't you think we'd work" he asks, and even though I can tell he's hurt, he's still being kind, not confrontational at all.

"Because I'm pretty sure I'm asexual, you're obviously not... and I don't think I could be 100% the person you need in a relationship." I try to explain, and I expect him to maybe get a bit more dejected by my answer, but a small smile lifts the corners of his lips.

"Is that the only reason?" He asks cautiously.

"Yah" I shrug, still not sure how he doesn't understand it.

"Then I really think you should let me take you out on a date" He crosses his legs under himself, and turns to face me fully.

"But Baz-" I start, but get cut off.

"Simon. There's so much more to a relationship for me than sex, and I don't know exactly what our relationship could turn out to be, but I think it's worth a try." He's smiling encouragingly, like he wants me to just agree with him.

"Okay" I sigh. I don't think this is going to end well.

"You don't sound happy though. I'm not trying to guilt you into saying yes. I just want you to know that I don't see your sexuality as something that should stop us from getting together, but the decision is up to you." He explains, and I instantly feel a lot better about the idea of us dating.

A small fear I had that I don't think I could ever voice, is the idea of him guilting me into sex. I don't know Baz that well, and his earlier statement made it feel like he completely disregarded my feelings. At the end though, he told me it was my choice, and I think he was able to communicate what he was trying to say better. I really hope it works out between us.

"Okay" I smile and lean back against the sofa. "But I think I've beat you to the first date" I smirk.

"What do you mean?" He looks genuinely confused, obviously not picking up on my humour.

"Well, we're hanging out in my flat, making a romantic dinner" I try to look serious.

"Yes the romantic dinner of questionable homemade pizza that we get to eat off of cardboard plates" he laughs.

"Don't sell it short, there's also beer in my fridge from the last party I went to" I joke.

"Bottles or cans?" He asks.

"Cans" I tell him triumphantly, and he cheers. We both laugh at the strange humor we share until the timer on the oven goes off.

I get up to grab the pizza, and toss Baz the remote. "Find a movie or something" I instruct while I dig through my cupboards to find oven mitts.

"Horror?" He asks, while flipping through the new releases.

"Sure, but it has to be from the 90's or I'm going to be up all night. The CGI we have now is too good" I shiver to add emphasis and Baz laughs while typing in the date to see what shows up.

"This one?" He asks, landing on a horror film that looks like the perfect mix of scary and bad practical effects.

"Sure" I sit back on the couch and pass Baz his pizza and beer, he thanks me for it, and the awkwardness of sharing the couch returns.


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