Chapter 1.

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As I read the piece of paper the principals assistant gave me telling me what classes to go to I was practically shaking the whole way to my literature class. I tried to find a way to stop my anxiety but I couldn't think of anything in time I walked in the class and all eyes were on me.

"Who are you?" the teacher asks me, Ms. Napoli I think that's her name. "John Payne ma'am I'm new here." I inform her. "Well take a seat." she says and motions her hand to the many desks and people who are no longer staring at me.

I turn to face the many chairs and students and I see one person who caught my eye enough to make me stare for a while. He looks Hispanic, he has big brown eyes and curly black hair, he looks kinda skinny but muscular at the same time and he's pretty hot. I quickly turn my head when he notices me staring at him. "SIT DOWN DUMBASS!" the handsome boy says to me. "Shut the hell up Juan!" a gorgeous blonde yells at him. "Hey that's enough out of both of you." the teacher yells and slaps a ruler on her desk.

"You can sit next to me if you want." the blonde says to me and I smile slightly as I walk toward her. I make my way past the handsome boy to sit next to the beautiful blonde until I feel something on my shin and I fall to the ground and all I hear is laughter circulating through the entire classroom. I quickly grab my things from the ground and glare at the guy as he strugs his shoulders like he didn't just trip me.

I am quickly on my feet and walking toward the pretty and friendly blonde. As I sit down I hear a sweet voice ask me "Are you okay sweety?" along with a smile. "Yeah, I'm alright thanks for saving me back there. I'm John." I say with a smile. "I'm Christina." she replies with a brighter smile. For the rest of class Christina and I get to know one another as the teacher talks about "Anna Frank: Diary of a young girl." with the class. But me and Christina read it over a million times so we're not worried.

By the time the bell rings I have my first friend. "Want to go out to burger king or something?" Christina asks me as I shove my books into my locker. "Sure." I reply while smiling at her. "What's your text class?" she asks me as I close my locker. "Algebra at 10 I have an hour to kill." "Good I'm gonna text my boyfriend to tell him to meet us by my car, his name is Aaron." she smiles even brighter and harder at the mention of his name.

When she finishes texting her boyfriend we begin to walk to the parking lot and talk about different musicians and bands and we argue because I think One Direction is better than 5sos. While laughing she gets a text and her smile fades a little. As we walk out the double doors into the parking lot the bright California sun is shining in my eyes. I wish I was still in Philadelphia but California is alright so far I guess.

"What's wrong?" I ask as she stops and turns to me. "Aaron invited his brother." she says to me. "Okaaaaaay" I reply. I really don't care if he invited his brother I need all the friends I can get.

"His brother is Juan." she says to me. "Who's Ju--" that asshole, I wonder if he knew I was staring at him. "Yeah him." Christina says to me with concern. "It's okay it's not like I never met an asshole before." she smiles at my bravery even though my heart is pounding out of my chest.

As we begin walking to her car again we start talking about the essay we have to write on Anne Frank. She stops me and points to the car that has two guys leaning on it. The car is a 2012 Chevy Malibu its way more nice than my car. "Babe!!!" Christina squels as she runs into her boyfriends arms. "Hey you!" he says while picking her up and kissing her and I smile at their embrace. "What the fuck is this loser doing here?" I freeze in place and stay quiet because I can't come up with a good enough come back. I just stood in place like a dumbass once again.

"Shut up Juan you don't even know him." Christina's voice turns harsh as she snaps at Juan. "Babe this is my new friend John." Christina's voice is sweet again. "What's up dude, I'm Aaron." he says to me with a smile.

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