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hi everyone!

I'm glad that you chose to read this! I've been working hard on this for awhile now. I've been looking forward on starting this book and it's crazy that I'm putting it out in the world. I'll be uploading a chapter every Wednesday, not sure on any times. There are a total of twenty one chapters, I was going to leave it at twenty, but I would have some unhappy readers if I did that.

If you've looked at my profile, you'll see that I have another Peter Parker story out. It's currently on hold mostly because I posted as I wrote, which I've seen in the past, writers giving up. I'm not sure if I'll keep adding to the story or not but stay tuned if you're interested.

- extended summary -

Oaklynn Stark has always lived in the shadows due to her extreme trust issues. She won't talk to anyone until they have proved she can trust them. Her world contains soulmates, and if you had one you were extremely rare, there only a few in the world at a time.

Everything changes when her father, Tony Stark, decides to enroll her into a public school, Midtown Tech. Her whole world turns upside down when she meets Peter Parker, a boy who had a few secrets of his own, especially when she figures out the connection they're destined to have. Peter immediately takes an interest in Oaklynn, at first only because of her father, but he realizes it's more than that.

Along the way she meets Nova Wells, the only person that could keep Oaklynn sane. Once Nova saw them together, she knew right away that Oaklynn and Peter were destined for each other, soulmates or not.

But once Peter lurks into some bad guys, Peter has no choice but to go behind Oaklynn and her father's backs. With Oaklynn's trust issues, she won't talk to Peter, which complicates her whole life even more. Will Oaklynn ever be with her soulmate? Or will her trust issues get in the way of her fate?

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Of course I don't own any Marvel characters that are mentioned in this story. I do own Oaklynn Stark and Nova Wells. This storyline was completely made in my head, so if it matches another story, it's completely coincidental. This story goes along the Spider-Man: Homecoming plot line, although I did mix a few things up so don't be confused when you read this.

Also a couple warnings: there is some mild swearing in this story. Not every chapter but it's there. Also this story does start out slow, so please just hang in there.

Other than that, I hope you enjoy this story. Please leave some comments if you think there's anything I need to add to this story. Also it would be appreciated if you also voted, this motivates me to keep writing.


I'm super excited!

your author

trust issues - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now