n i n e t e e n

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Only a few more chapters! I'm super excited for all of you to read the finished result. Happy reading!
warnings: strong language

The next week went slow. Peter and I both kept distance, which confused both Ned and Nova. Although Ned wasn't complaining that much, he had more time with his best friend. I, on the other hand, didn't. Dad grounded me completely, which also put a wedge between us. So now the two kids he held most dear in his life now don't want to talk to him.

"Nova, Ned, stop pestering me." I say as I shut my locker.

"Come on Oaklynn. It's been a whole week and you and Peter haven't talked to each other." Ned informed.

"Just sit at the table today. It's not like you'll talk to him anyways. And you two should go to the dance together." Nova joined.

I sigh. "Fine I'll sit at the table, but you have it all wrong. He's all in for Liz, even if it's not his soulmate."

All three of us sit at the table, Peter already eating. The table was completely quiet, no one saying a word. But Peter breaks the silence. "Are we actually soulmates?" Peter looks up at me, I couldn't make eye contact. Nova and Ned both looked away. "Wait you two knew?" he looks at me again and I look at him. "I'm so glad that you told everyone who your soulmate is, except your soulmate." Peter gets up aggressively, leaving the cafeteria.

- -

Did you hear? Peter asked Liz to go to the dance and she said yes!

Good for him.

I put my phone down and look at my room full of boxes, it was moving day today. The only thing not in a box is the dress I was supposed to wear tonight. A knock sounded at my door, it opened and Dad walked through. I scoff and turn the other way, not looking at him. He sits on my bed. "I'm sorry Oaklynn. For everything."

I was fuming. I turn to face him. "You're sorry? No. You grounded me forever so I couldn't see my friends and then on top of that we're moving upstate where I might not even get to Midtown anymore."


"No, shut up it's my turn to talk. You forced me to have a normal life, and now that I have one, all you want to do is take it away. I have a life here in Queens. I have friends. I even talk to people I don't know. This dance was everything. It's my first high school dance and you took that away because of your fucking ego. Peter didn't drag me to that ferry. I put a tracker on his suit that he didn't know about on his suit and I followed him there. He had no clue I was there until I tackled him to get out of harms way. The only reason he did any of this, was to prove to you that he wasn't just some kid. He wanted to prove to you that he was a super hero, an avenger even. He wanted to be like you."

He paused. "I'm sorry I made you feel that way. I didn't want you hurt. I just came in here to tell you that the limo will be here at 7 to pick up you, Nova, and Ned." Dad smiled.

My jaw dropped. "Really? I can go?"

He laughed and nodded, "Yes you can go. And you're ungrounded."

"Yay!" I hug him. "Thank you thank you thank you!"

I get up and grab my dress, then running into my bathroom. I send a text to Nova and Ned.

Meet at the tower @ 6:50!!

Omg you can go! I'll be there

trust issues - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now