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here's chapter seven! I don't have much to say today so just make sure to vote and comment to keep me going and I hope you like it! next update is wednesday, june 3rd:)
warnings: mild swearing
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"Are you sure you still want to come over after your incident at lunch?" Peter asks at my locker as I pack up for the day. I nod. I still wanted to go if it meant that I would be able to get out of the tower. "Okay cool."

We meet Ned on the stairs outside. There was a chill and I pulled the sleeves of Peter's sweatshirt over my hands. His scent was all over, cologne with a mix of a fruit smell. All three of us cracked jokes on the way to Peter's house, me laughing silently. As we arrived at Peter's apartment building, I realized something. I've never been to someone else's house. I've always been trapped inside the tower.

Peter unlocks the door and Ned follows him, me at the rear. "Oh hi Pete and Ned." a younger lady greets. Her eyes land on me. "Oh who is this?"

"Oh. May this is Oaklynn. Oaklynn Stark." Peter emphasizes my last name probably so she wouldn't embarrass him.

"Oh it's lovely to meet you Oaklynn. I'm Peter's Aunt May." May greets me. I smile and nod a little.

"This way Oak." Peter waves me over and Ned already went into Peter's room. As we step inside I immediately get mesmerized. Star Wars and Avenger posters were hung on the walls around his room. It was a little messy, so it was different than what I'm used to: perfection. "Sorry this isn't what you're used to. Oh and here." Peter hands me a whiteboard. "This is for you, until you trust us to talk." he smiles and closes his eyes, meaning he's mentally facepalming himself.

I write on the board. Thank you.

"Excuse me I'll be a second." Peter excuses himself from the room.

"You haven't talked to him yet? Also I saw your tattoo." Ned says from the bed.

"Please don't tell. And I don't want to say anything. I'm scared. I don't want him to know unless I feel something." I whisper.

"Do you?" Ned questions.

I sigh. "I don't know."

"You must. I see you too staring in each other's eyes all the time. Come one Oaklynn you have to say something to him."

"Have you seen his tattoo? What does it say?" I step closer to Ned, curious of what he'll say.

"I never knew he had one. He never told me." Ned admits.

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Our night consisted of movies and popcorn. I was really enjoying myself. I've never had a night like this unless you count Nat and me's girls night. But I was monitored for that. I had training in the morning too so I don't think it counts.

As Peter and Ned make another bag of popcorn, my phone rings. I quickly go into Peter's room to answer.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

["Oaklynn where the hell are you?"] Dad yells into the phone. He was supposed to be in Maine for a conference.

"Peter Parker's." I say simply.

["Who said you could?"] Dad snaps.

"I texted Mom about it and she was fine. Aren't you supposed to be in Maine anyways?" I ask.

["Oaklynn you can't go to other people's houses. I'm having Happy pick you up. You will not protest and you will go home."] Dad orders.

"I'll walk." I say and hang up. I sling my backpack on my shoulders and grab my whiteboard. Walking home. Dad wants me. I wrote and left it on Peter's bed. I quietly walked out the door and went on my way.

It's a pretty night in Queens. The cars and their lights. The small shops. Everything.

"Oaklynn Stark. What a surprise you're not in your limo." I man says behind me. I freeze. I turn around to see a familiar face.


"Oaklynn you look really pretty." Dad straightens out my dress.

"Why do I have to dress nice?" my eight year old self complains.

"Because," Dad puts a stray hair behind my ear. "one of my friends are are coming over and he has a boy your age. But no boyfriends. You're still my little girl. Let's go."

I grab Dad's hand and we walk out my room and into the living area. The doorbell rang. "I'll get it Daddy!" I run to the door. "Hello." I say to the guests. One boy my height comes towards me.

"I'm Easton!" he basically yells.

"I'm Oaklynn!" I basically yell back. "Do you want to play with me?"

"Sure." he looks up at his dad. "Can I?"

"Of course you can." his dad replies.

We run up the stairs and into my room. He runs and plops on my bed. I giggle at his silly action. I come over and lay next to him on the bed.

"I've never had someone in my room besides my dad." I admit.

Easton sits up to look at me. "Really?"

"Mhmm." I respond. "Do you want to play a game?"

"What is it?"

I sit up. "It's called future telling. Daddy and I play it. Lay down." Easton does what I say and I move towards his head, putting my small hands on the sides of his head. "I see it. You will spend your whole day here and have pizza."

Easton laughs. "You're turn!" I lay down and he puts his hands on the side of my face. "Okay, I see you eating pizza with me and I see us being friends forever!" We both laugh.

We hung out for hours, hours turned into days, the days turned into years. We were best friends, inseparable actually. Until years ago, a little after Dad announced he was iron man. Easton came over and he said we couldn't be friends. Not with the tower being in constant danger. He also said he was moving far away from here, meaning I couldn't even go to his house, not that I've been there ever anyways. I cried for months, I lost the only friend I ever had.

Easton eventually left my mind. I haven't even thought about him for four years. But I missed him deeply but I did fine.


I scan the familiar face. It was Easton.

"Hi Oaklynn."

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