f i f t e e n

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I'm totally aware that I haven't posted in forever I'm so sorry. This isn't my best chapter but I finished it. Enjoy fifteen!
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It's Monday morning, my alarm and lights turn on, telling me I have to get up for school. I open my eyes, the bright lights blinding me. My head starts to pound intensely, more than it's ever had before.

"Thursday. Hangover pill. Now." I say into my empty room.

Seconds later her voice booms onto my room, making my head hurt even more. "The pill is in your bathroom waiting. Also you have eight missed calls from Peter Parker." I sway into my bathroom, trying to keep my balance with my head spinning so much. I take the pill and about two minutes later, my hangover completely gone. I love this pill that I made. I made for the nights that I would take Dad's alcohol and get drunk, he suspects it to be me taking his alcohol but with me having absolutely no hangover whatsoever, he never proves it.

Boxes for the move upstate littered my room as I walk into my closet to change into a comfy shirt with leggings. I throw my hair up into a ponytail and put light makeup on. I head down the steps to see Dad sitting at the island drinking coffee. I grab some bread and put it into the toaster.

"Can you please talk to Peter? He won't leave me alone." Dad says taking a sip.

I turn towards him and cross my arms. "No. I have nothing to say to him."

"Well he has something to say to you." Dad puts his face into his hands.

I scoff. "Probably that he wants me to leave his life." I butter the toast that pops out.

"Why the hell would he say that?"

"Because he told Ned that and I heard him. He figured out that I heard him say that and he's pissed I won't talk to him. His fault." I bite my toast.

The elevator dings and a mailman comes through the door. "Oaklynn Stark?"

"Oh that's me." I walk over the mailman and take the envelope. "Thank you. Have a good day." I look up at Dad, his mouth wide open. "What?"

"You talked to him and you've never seen him before." Dad had pure joy on his face.

I smile. "Yeah. I really don't care anymore. Not all people are bad. If I suspect something off, I'll hold back." I open the letter, only for it to be junk.

Dad raises his eyebrows. "Does that mean you'll talk to Peter?"

"No. Now I have to go to school and avoid Peter. I'll see you later." I grab my backpack and sling it over my shoulder while I walk into to the elevator, a piece of toast hanging from my mouth.

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The whole week dragged along and I successfully avoided seeing Peter all week, against all of his efforts. I didn't enjoy practice that much with Peter there, especially when I could hear him talking about Liz. But everyday it reminded me how I had to be near him at Nationals for two days.

But just maybe fate played a role Thursday at practice. We were doing some flash cards during our free period. We had two tables set up, Nova and Abraham at one, Ned and I another, whiteboard in hand. "What's the heaviest naturally occurring element?" Liz asks, flash cards in hand.

Peter and Mr. Harrington were talking quietly at another table as I wrote down the answer. Michelle was sitting on the floor, enjoying not having to lead the team for a little bit. I ring my bell and hold up my whiteboard. 'Uranium.'

"That's correct, thank you Oaklynn." Liz says and flips to another card. I flip through my book, satisfied with how well I'm doing.

"You've never been in the same room as Tony Stark." Flash blurts and I snap my head up, interested in the conversation.

"Wait what's going on?" Nova questions.

"Peter's not going to Washington."

"What? Why not?" Abraham asks. I already knew why he wouldn't. He's too obsessed with Dad to even do something he actually likes to do. Although I celebrate quietly, knowing I wouldn't have to deal with him.

Liz's soft voice speaks up, "Really? Right before Nationals?" Peter eyes flash with pain by her words, which wants to make me puke. "Flash you're in for Peter."

Flash flips a page in his magazine. "I don't know, I have a date with Black Widow coming up." He lightly laughs to himself. But Nat would never.

I notice Peter kept checking the time in every class that I had with him, meaning he was about to suit up after school. He hasn't suited up right after school in awhile, but he's started ever since we got into our fight. As the last bell rang, Peter basically sprinted out the door. I almost went after him, but I remembered that I could care less about Peter Parker right now. I roll my eyes and walked to my locker, grabbing all my biology flash cards that Nova made for me, even though I didn't need them whatsoever.

"Ready to go?" Nova scares me by jumping at me. "Let's get this studying going."

I hand her the flash cards. "You do know that I don't need to study for this at all. I know all the material."

"Yes that's why you're my study partner in everything." Nova smiled and took the flash cards. "Now let's go."

I closed my locker and we went on our way. The walk was a normal walk for us, joking and laughing the whole time. Creepy men stared us but we kept going on our way, not letting anything stop us. We had our stupid conversations except Nova decided to talk about something else today.

"Have you ever noticed how Spider-Man has been watching us go home for the past week?" Nova stoops the conversation from funny cat videos to this.

I turn my head to the left, seeing Peter on top of a building, watching us. "He's probably a loser." I take a bite of the churro that we bought before.

Nova whips her head to look at me. "Um do you not remember how he saved your ass? He can't be a loser."

"Oh please. He only saved me because of who my dad is. Yes I'm grateful he saved me, but overall, he's still a loser." I glance over at Peter again, he was still sitting on the building, watching.

"Nova Wells!" we turn around to Ned Leeds running up to us with a big LEGO box in his arms. "Oh and Oaklynn."

"What's up Ned?" I ask curiously. "And what's with the LEGO box?"

He finally caught up and started to walk with us. I glance to see Peter gone. "Oh Peter and I are going to build this tonight. I saw you two walking so I decided to join."

"Is Peter even home?" I ask, knowing I saw Peter on the building moments before.

"Well if he's not, I'll wait in his room. He'll probably be at Delmar's or something. He likes it there." Ned simply answers.

I sigh. "I should come out here more often. I don't know much about Queens."

"Well if you do, don't stay in the dark, you never know what could happen." Nova warned.

"I'll keep that in mind."

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