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here's chapter six! I hope you like it. the next chapter will be up sunday (may 31st)! I don't have much else to say except to make sure to vote and comment to keep me going, thanks!
warnings: none
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"I'll walk home tonight." I say to Mom who was reading on the couch.

"I don't know, especially after last time." Mom shoots me a worried look.

"Don't worry. That was a freak accident. Anyways tell Dad for me? I don't want to face him. Bye Mom!" I yell as the elevator closes.

I skip to Happy who's waiting outside the car for me. As I get close he opens the door for me, letting me crawl inside before he shuts it.

I jump out the car and run up the steps of Midtown High. Which was a terrible idea, pain stabbed me in the side. I shake off and quickly find Ned. He waves and a lightly tug his arm, telling him to follow. We go into an empty classroom and I shut the door.

"What is it?" Ned asks curiously.

"I'm talking to you only because I trust you. Have you talked to Peter since we left practice?" I ask.

Ned was in slight shock listening to my voice. "Uh yes. We did."

"What did he talk about?" I question.

"It was about a conversation with your dad. I can't say I was asked not to say anything." Ned explains.

"Okay. Here's my number. In case I need to say something to you in public." as Ned copies the numbers I feel as if someone was watching me. I turn my head to the classroom door but there was no one through the glass.

Little did I know, Peter saw me talking.

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It was fifth period, math. We had a quiz but everyone was still working, except me. And Peter. We start to make weird faces across the room. Some people saw us and rolled their eyes but I didn't care. "Do you want to come over?" he mouths. He blushes, which is weird, but I blush too, making it extra weird. I mouth back "I'll ask" and Peter gives a thumbs up.

The bell rings and I pack up my things. "I'll walk with you to lunch. Also I think Ned will be coming to my house too. We don't have practice tonight." Peter says. I give a thumbs up and walk to my locker. As I dump my unneeded textbooks in my locker, Nova Wells approaches.

"You walking with us Peter?" she asks leaning against the locker next to me.

"Mhmm." is all he replies with.

I shut my locker and we make our way to the cafeteria, me texting while walking.

Hey I'm going to Peter's house after school.

Our group sits at the table and everyone talks with each other, well besides me. I'm too afraid to talk to Peter. I don't know what he would even be like. My phone dings and I check it.

For what

Him and Ned asked if I wanted to watch a movie.

Text me when you need to be picked up. Your father has a press conference.


I sigh and put my phone down. I take a bite of my sandwich and blow the hair that was in my face. I got a little cold from only wearing a t-shirt but I really could care less. I lay my head on my right arm, where my muscle should be if I had any, it fully extended. I keep munching on my sandwich. Suddenly Nova kicks me. I look at her and she points to her arm. I give her and puzzled look. She points to my arm then her forearm.

My eyes widen and realization. I quickly retreat my arm, hoping no one saw it, nor read it. I text Nova quick.

Give me Peter's number

She sends it to me and I send him a message.

Hey it's Oaklynn, you can call my Oak. Um it's really cold in the school, do you have a sweatshirt I could borrow? I would return it to you at your house.

Peter's phone lights up and he looks at his phone then glances at me.

Sure thing. I can give you it after lunch.


I look at Peter who is still staring at his phone. A smile was on his face, as if he was rereading my message over and over. He looks at me and I smile, my face heating up. I put my phone on the table.

I look at Nova and Ned. Nova was glaring at Ned, and he looked like he saw a ghost. My tattoo. He read it. He looks at me and my eyes widen. Anxiety runs through my veins, unknowing what Ned will do. I shake my head at him.

Please don't say anything. Please don't say anything.

"Ned are you okay?" Peter finally notices his reaction. Then he looks at Nova and me. "Are you all okay?"

I nod and so does everyone else. For being extremely nervous I did very well. Well, until I ran out the cafeteria from me losing my breath. I slip my glasses on as I run outside to the bleachers and grab my chest.

"Thursday what's wrong with me?" I breathe.

"Oaklynn you are having a major anxiety attack. Worst than any of your father's." Thursday replies.

"Shit." I fall to knees, my hand still on my chest. It's hard to breathe. I can't get the air in. Pain stung from my bruised side. I probably had a few broken ribs.

"You must breathe. Your vitals are everywhere." Thursday says. I fall on my back coughing as trying to breath normally.

"Oaklynn!" Nova yells. She rushes towards me. "What's going on? You're scaring me!" I take my glasses and give them to Nova, hoping Thursday will tell her. "An anxiety attack?"

Peter and Ned rush over and sit me up. I groan in pain from my side. Nova puts my glasses back on me.

"Your heart rate and still through the roof. Your oxygen levels are low." Thursday informs.

"Call her dad Peter!" Peter stands up and pulls out his phone.

I tug on Peter's shirt and shake my head. Dad can't come.

"Okay Oaklynn I won't. I've helped your dad with one before. Okay look at me." Peter stares into my bright blue eyes and I look into his brown ones. My breathing somewhat calms. "Okay good." he grabs my hand for more comfort. Tears pooled in my eyes, I blinked and they rolled down my face.

My breathing came to a normal. Peter knew it. I knew it. But we didn't move, he kept holding my hand and I kept staring into his pretty brown eyes.

trust issues - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now