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welcome to the first chapter of trust issues! I'm super excited for you to read it and I hope it brings you joy. have fun reading and remember that I'm not the best at writing so please bare with me. also, this story starts out slow, so please give it a little time for it to pick up. please vote and comment, it keeps me motivated. with that being said I hope you enjoy!!
warnings: none
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Trust. Something everyone needs to have and craves for people to have in them. I'm different though. I never trust. After certain things that have happened in my life, I don't trust. I can't trust. I couldn't trust my own dad for days, let alone everyone else in my life. I just hope I'll overcome my trust issues.

"Okay so here's the rundown:

Hello I'm Oaklynn Stark, daughter of the Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. I live in Stark Tower, in the city where superheroes and villains lurk, trying to grab everything that Dad has. I'm homeschooled and I love it. I may not have any friends, but that doesn't stop me from having a good time. Ever. Well I also have extreme trust issues. Ever since AIM made me and Mom all hot and firery three years ago, I don't really trust people that much anymore. Since I have trust issues and don't get in the world, I'm never going to meet my soulmate. Yes, soulmates. Not everyone in the world get one, it's extremely rare, but if you do, you have a small tattoo of what that person will say to you when you meet them. Mine is located on my right forearm in small letters reading: 'I'm not obsessed, I just want to be like him. I want to prove to Tony Stark that I'm good enough'. Whoever it is, they are obsessed with my dad. But I'm striving as the smartest 16 year old girl you'll ever meet."

"Wow you really told me all of that?" Rhodey sat on the couch with big eyes, trying to absorb everything I just said.

"Yes. It's one of my assignments. Dad is running out of things to give me for school." I plop on the couch next to Rhodey.

"You need to go to a public school that's what you need." he looks at me giving the 'you know I'm right' look.

"Dad won't let me. Besides, it's for the best. I have extreme trust issues remember?" I mimic his look.

He sighs, "Maybe he'll change his mind."

We sit there for awhile until Dad comes in clapping his hands. "Oaklynn, is your introduction done?" he sits next to Rhodey.

"Wait I have to listen to this again?" Rhodey complains.

I stand up and smile. "Yes and yes."

I smile again after I finish. Rhodey looked like he wanted to die and Dad had the same reaction Rhodey had the first time. I frown. "Did I do bad on my assignment?"

Dad shakes his head. "No no. I just can't send that into a public school."

My jaw drops. "What? I can't go to a public school! Are you crazy?" I say and flail my arms up frustration.

"Oaklynn I can't teach you anymore. I have nothing else to teach you. I gave you this as an assignment." he raises his eyebrows meaning that I can't even argue. And he's right.

"Then what can a public school teach me?" I sigh. "Whatever I'm going to bed." I walk away and go up the steps into my room. It has its own bathroom and huge walk in closet. I love everything that Dad has done for me, I'm just not sure if a public school is for me, especially because when I don't trust to talk to anyone.

I sit in my bathroom and put my black hair up into a bun. I take off my makeup and then stare at myself in the mirror. I have bright blue eyes and freckles that lightly cover my face with pink lip to top it off. I sigh. I have everything given to me. I earn absolutely nothing. Maybe a public school wouldn't be so bad after all. Maybe this could be good for me.

And boy was I right.

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"Oaklynn, sweetie are you ready?" Mom tapped on my shoulder in the car. "It's just a little test. You'll do great."

I smile back at her. Dad wants me to go to Midtown Tech, a really smart school, but you have to test into it. It wasn't just something I could show up to and expect to be part of.

We arrived at Midtown and walked into the school. Many scientists were painted onto the walls, including my grandfather, Howard Stark. We make our way into the office and were greeted by the principle. "Hi Oaklynn it's nice meet you. I'm Principle Balton." he stuck out his hand to shake and I look at Dad and he nods. I make a small smile and shake his hand.

"She doesn't talk much." Dad says and Principal Balton nods.

"Well if you follow me, I'll take you to the testing area." I follow him into a small room with one desk in the middle. "Do you have a cell phone on you?" I nod. "I'll need it." I hesitate but give him my high tech phone. I sit in the desk and wait for Principal Balton to return with the test. Once he did he went over the guidelines. "Okay to finish it off, the fastest time someone finished the 200 question test was two hours and one minute. Your maximum time is four hours. When you're done, please bring your test to my office and we will put it into our new and improved grading system, then we look over everything thing and we'll see if you pass. I hopefully will see you attending this school. Your time starts now."

The test was easy. Like, easier than Dad's. I thought I finished early, but I know I did when I walked into the principle's office and his jaw dropped. I walk to him and hand the test over. He took it hesitantly and put it through they grading machine. After two minutes of buzzing, there was a ding on his laptop and he went pale. "You finished in one hour and got a 100%. How is that even possible?"

He looks over to me with his mouth open in fascination. "It was easy." I simply say.

"I'll see you Monday to get you situated and set you up with a tour, and you'll start Tuesday." He says surprised.

I smile and walk out of the office, admiring the painting once again. I hope one day my dad will make it on that wall. One day.

I walk out the school and head for Dad's car. Once inside, all heads turn towards me.

"How did you do Oak?" Dad asks.

I give them a smile."I come back Monday."

trust issues - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now