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boom, chapter five. sorry for updating late:/ anyways, I hope you'll like having two updates a week, I might put some bonus chapters in, creating three chapters in a week. so next upload is wednseday (may 27th). I hope you enjoy this chapter and make sure to vote and comment to show your support, thanks!
warnings: none
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I sat in my fifth class doodling in my notebook because I already finished my worksheet that the teacher is explaining to the class. I doodled Spider-Man. I smiled at the drawing, proud of my work.

I glance over at Peter Parker, he said exactly what was on my tattoo. Was he my soulmate? Maybe he wasn't, I mean I haven't said anything yet to him, and personally that was my plan.

I went back to my drawing and finished the eyes on his suit when I felt watched. I look up to see Peter looking at me. I furrow my eyebrows. I mouth "What?"

He thought about what he was going to say next then he mouthed "I'll tell you after class." I give him a thumbs up and kept doodling.

Once the bell rang, I packed all my things and Peter came to my desk. I look up and smile. "I was wondering if you were okay. I saw you on the news." I give him a thumbs up for my response. "Okay that's good. I was also wondering if you wanted to sit with Ned and I at lunch? Nova too."

I can't believe he's asking me this. I've never had someone ask me to sit with them, well at least not for wanting to be my friend.

I nod and Peter's face brightens. "Okay I'll see you in a bit then."

Peter leaves and I remember why I was on the bridge in the first place. Because of Peter. He didn't know that, but I should tell someone.

I quickly grab my things and rush out the door. I spot Nova in the halls. "Nova!" I whisper yell. She turns around, surprised that it was me who said anything. She comes up to me and I grab her wrist pulling her into the bathroom. I check if anyone inside, which there wasn't, and then locked the door.

"Oaklynn are you okay? What's up?" Nova asked oddly confused that I locked us in.

"First, you can call me Oak, it's my nickname." I start to say quiet but not a whisper. I pull up my sleeve so she could see my tattoo. Reads reads it to herself, her eyebrows raised.

"Wait." Nova turns to me surprised. "This is what," she pauses, looking at the tattoo then me again. "this is what Peter said, word for word. That means you two are soulmates!" she squeals and I put my hand and her mouth to shut her up.

"Nova, you can't say anything to him about this. Also I'm not sure if he actually is. I haven't said anything to him. He hasn't gained any trust of mine. I have no reason to talk to him." I pull my sleeve down.

"So? Oak, there's no one else in this world that would say those exact words. This only means that he doesn't know." Nova leans on the sink.

"Nova just promise me you won't say anything." I say starting to walk to the door. "Oh and other thing, you wanted to talk to that Ned kid right?" Nova gives a puzzled look and nods. "Good because we're sitting at their table today." I unlock the door and started to walk to lunch.

"Hi I'm Ned. You already know Peter." Ned shakes Nova's hand and she goes red. I kick her under the table, telling her to stop acting weird. Ned puts his hand out to shake my hand but Nova gives him a look and he immediately retreated his hand. "So you're really Tony Stark's daughter?"

I nod my head slowly. I thought this was public news. I also was in the news, it even showed Dad flying me off with him. I think about the accident. What if someone didn't yell that I was dangling off the rail? Would Spider-Man still save me? I look at Peter. What incident was Dad talking about on the phone? Maybe he did something good during his internship? But why haven't I seen him in the tower ever?

"Oaklynn!" I was taken out of my thoughts by Nova yelling and shaking me. "Are you okay? You've been zoned out for like five minutes."

I nod and squeeze my eyes shut from pain. The side of my body hurt and it was hard to breathe. Ugh of course.

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At practice, Michelle gave me a whiteboard to write all my answers down with. It was a lot easier than using my notebook. We got into the same groups as yesterday, Flash, Peter, Abraham, Nova, Ned, and me.

"Don't break her this time Parker." Flash laughs. I roll my eyes and so does Peter. I scan him. Brown curly hair that somehow was always messy and nice at the same time, and his brown, pretty eyes. They were something I could get lost in. Peter looks at me. We lock eyes and he smiles, making me smile.

The time goes fast, everyone taking turns answering and asking questions. I was in pain for most of it. About halfway through practice, Peter started to not do well. He was getting everything wrong and when we would try giving him a question he got right earlier, he still got it wrong.

"Okay Peter," Nova starts, "this is for you. What American war was the North against the South?"

This is easy. Way too easy. If Peter gets this wrong I will slap him for being dumb.

"Um," Peter looks up and squints his eyes thinking it would help him. "the American Revolution?"

"No Peter it's-"

"Wait Nova let Oaklynn answer. She's been bouncing ever since you asked the question." Flash cut off Nova and nudges me in the arm. I quickly write it on my whiteboard and throw it at Peter.

"Oh. The Civil War." Peter reads.

I get a text and I move away from the group to read it.

Let's go. Bring Peter Parker with you.

I furrow my eyebrows at the text. "Everything okay Oak?" Nova asks.

I nod my head and wave bye. Everyone understands I have to go. I stand up and grab Peter's shirt, signaling that he had to come with. He thought I just needed to say something so I had to grab his backpack for him.

"Where are we going? Why am I coming with?" Peter questions but I just keep walking. The car was waiting for us, Happy probably driving. As we go up I make Peter go in the back but as I try to open the door the window rolls down.

Dad was driving. "I want Parker in the front." I just him a shocked look and glance at Peter, who also had an odd expression. I roll my eyes and switch with Peter. The ride was weird. The divider was up the whole time so I couldn't hear them. I tapped the window a couple times but they didn't answer.


What would they be talking about?

While the divider was up, I check my side. I gasp at the sight. My side was completely dark purple and black, a little red on my ribs too.


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