t h i r t e e n

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Sorry, I've been super busy lately. But chapter thirteen is up for your enjoyment. I'll try to update as soon as possible, but you never know. But enjoy!
warnings: none
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My eyes widen. I quickly grab Peter's arm and drag him into the bathroom, then grabbing his backpack and throwing in with, shutting the door behind him. I walk down the hallway, hoping that Dad sees me, but doesn't question my stained hands and face.

"Oaklynn!" I turn my head around to Dad jogging towards me. "Aren't you excited I'm home?"

"Uh sure. I thought your conference was long." I say walking down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Well, I cut it short and wanted to surprise you." Dad smiles, awaiting my excitement.

"Well consider me surprised." I grab some bread and put into the toaster. I quickly grab my phone to text Peter.

Hey I have Dad occupied right now. You can slip on your suit.

I don't know where my suit is. And I'm very sore.

It's in my closet drying. I washed and stitched it up last night. I have some tylenol in the second drawer in my bathroom.

"Who are you texting?" Dad curiosity gets the best of him.

I put my phone on the counter and butter my toast. "Just Peter."

"What does he want?" Dad questions.

"Um, I was just telling him that you were home from your conference in case you wanted another secret meeting." I turn to face him and take a bite of my toast.

He sighs and scratches his chin. "Actually I do need to talk to him. I need to take his suit away." he grabs his phone and starts texting.

"Wait what? Why?" I ask, obviously curious.

"Oaklynn, he told you who he was and-"

"I thought you two set that up. I thought it was a prank." I lie. "You told me you didn't know who Spider-Man was. Are you telling me that you lied to me again?" I put the most innocent look on my face as I could.

"We did." Dad looks away then back at me, who is eating toast. "What's on your face and hands?"

"Paint. I painted last night. I got some on my hands and I accidentally got it on my face." I lie again. "Anyways, I'm going to get dressed and ready for the day."

I run up the steps and into my room, looking to see if Peter was still in my room. I look around and go into the bathroom, where Peter laid there, his suit next to him on the floor.

"I can't. I'm too weak, my wound might've healed but I'm sore as hell." Peter groans.

I sigh and grab Peter's backpack, finding the clothes he was planning on wearing inside. I pull them out and help him put them on. When I finished, I grab some of my own clothes and toss my hair up into a messy bun. I then helped Peter up off the floor and shoved his suit in his backpack, then walked to my door.

When I say, come straight to the elevator.

Peter nods and I leave my room. I walk the path that Peter would need to get to the elevator. I peek around every corner and hallway finding no one.

"Thursday, where's Dad?" I whisper.

"In his shop." Thursday replies.

"Okay tell me if he leaves." I whisper again.

trust issues - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now