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here's the second chapter to trust issues! this is an extremely slow chapter so bare with me. this chapter is basically laying down the base of the story so it can progress nice and smooth. I will be posting another chapter this friday (may 15th) as a nice bonus chapter!!! anyways I hope you enjoy, please comment and vote, it really helps.
warnings: none
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It's my introduction day. Dad had to bring me in to talk to the Principle as I got my tour. I sat in the chair in the office waiting for my student guide. Suddenly a girl with dirty blonde hair and green eyes came in. "Here for the tour guide." She said in her loud voice. The lady at the desk pointed at me and she turned and smiled.

"Hi I'm Nova Wells. Welcome to Midtown Tech." she holds out her hand to shake. Dad wasn't around to tell me if it was okay. I just looked at her.

But Dad stepped in and peeked his head out of the principle's office. "Oaklynn you can trust her. Sorry she doesn't talk much and doesn't trust people easily."

Nova looks back at me, her face full of surprise, and failing to hide it. I stick my hand out. "I'm Oaklynn Stark." I smile. She smiles and shakes my hand.

Nova Wells and I went through the whole school and I was introduced to my teachers. The last thing we had to do was get my locker situated. "Okay here it is. Also can I give you a few tips for the school?" I nod and she starts. "Stay away from Flash Thompson. He's a big bully I was picked on by him when I first got here. He'll try to hookup with you, then when you decline, he'll pick on you. But these two nerds ran into him one day and I was free. Also the nerds are pretty chill. I don't have friends here but I hope we can become friends?" Nova rambled.

"Sure." I say quietly. "But it takes awhile for me to trust people and really talk to them. This is the most I've talked to someone I don't know."

"Well its a good thing you know me now." she smiles. "Also by the way the bell is about to ring for the end of the day so it's about to get crowded. Just pretend you know what you're doing." I nod and the bell rings.

I open my locker and organize the books that were already placed in my locker. After that was done, I turn around to see many students filling the halls. "There." Nova points. "That's the nerd who finished the test the fastest."

"Second fastest." I correct. Nova gave me a weird look. "I finished in an hour."

"What? What was your score?" Nova asked.

"100%." I look around the hall, avoiding Nova's jaw that's currently on the ground.

"Oh my gosh we have to go Oaklynn. Flash is coming." Nova says and grabs my arm which I rip away immediately and just stand there.

But I then wish that we left. "What did we have here? A new girl?" Flash nudges my arm and raises his eyebrows.

"Leave her alone Flash." Nova defends.

"What's your name princess?" he says looking me up and down. I don't respond but I put an uncomfortable look on my face. A crowd started to form. "Where are you from?" he touches by dark brown hair.

"Flash stop." Nova tries to defend me again bit all he does is shooes her away.

"Can't talk?" he was about to touch my face but I grab his wrist and I twist his arm behind his back. He whimpers in pain and pleads me to stop. I let go and I walk away Nova close behind.

As we walk, I see the nerds looking at me with with their mouths open. Their eyes were wide and all I did was keep walking.

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Okay so yesterday didn't go too well but I met a person. Someone I know of. I don't trust her but it's something. I got ready and walked into the kitchen sitting at the huge island. Mom was cooking breakfast as I play a game on my phone. Once I lose, I put my phone down on the island and wait for Mom to be done.

She puts a plate of eggs and a few pieces of bacon together and sets in front of me. "Big day today. First day of real school. You excited?"

"I don't know. I don't trust or talk to people. Now I'm going to a big school where once someone figures out I'm a Stark, everyone is going to talk to me. And I can't do crowds. Mom do I have to go?" I plead.

"Oaklynn. Your father made this decision. I've been trying to get you do go for a long time but he kept saying no. This took a lot of effort." Mom looks at me as I take a bite.

"So what your saying is that it will be easy to talk him out?" I raise my eyebrows and Mom gives me a warning look. I smile. "Dad! I need you!"

"Oaklynn you wouldn't." Mom says straightening up. I cock my eyebrows and jump off my chair, running down the hall, Mom chasing me.

"Dad!" I yell again.

"Oaklynn stop!" Mom yells from behind me.

I run into his lab. I type in the pass code quickly and then lock the door. I stick out my tongue at Mom and turn to face Dad giving me a disapproving look. "Dad do I have to go? I can't do it." I complain.

"Come here." Dad motioned me to sit on his lap, and I did so. "You see Oak, I know you can do this. I've seen you overcome so much and I'm so proud of you for that. You just need to believe in yourself. Now you're going to be late."

"But I can't trust anyone." I say standing up.

"No one is a threat to you there. If you believe that they will hurt you, do what I taught you. Here." he pulls out a pair of glasses. "They're just like mine. Except yours is Thursday."

I smile and take the glasses. And I guess I'm going to school.

Thanks Dad.

I arrive at school thirty minutes early. Everyone said bye and I hooked my backpack strap on my shoulder. I hold onto the strap as I walk up the steps to the entrance. People were talking and laughing, playing with tech that they had, there were a lot of drones everywhere oddly. I had to duck away from two. As I reached my locker, I grabbed everything I needed for my morning classes. I shut my locker and look around.

Maybe Nova was here. I wasn't going to talk to her, but I knew she would talk to me. I scan everywhere looking for her black hair. As I failed, I remembered Dad gave me Thursday. I slip the glasses on. "Thursday?" I whisper. "Search for Nova."

"Nova is approaching from the right." Thursday replied.

I put the glasses in my backpack and see Nova coming from the right. "Hi Oaklynn!" Nova had a loud voice, coming from smaller body. I smile in response. "Right you don't talk much. Few words here and there though right?" I nod. "Okay cool. Want to go to class?" I smile.

trust issues - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now