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here's chapter three! again this is more of a chapter that sets the scene for the whole book. don't worry, the story starts to pick up in the next chapter that will be coming out wednesday (may 20th). anyways I hope you enjoy! make sure to leave a comment and vote to keep me going!
warnings: none
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The day has gone somewhat smooth. A couple of teachers asked me to say something about myself, but I refused and they almost sent me to the office. Anyways, Nova Wells was in most of my classes, the nerds in few of them. I still haven't figured their names out. It was lunch and Nova just couldn't stop talking at my locker about the assignment we got in history.

"You can't disagree that it's too much for one night." Nova complains. I just shrug and grab my lunch. "Oh by the way Oaklynn, we have to eat outside. Since I don't have friends, I don't have a table." I give a thumbs up and we continue and walk outside. She chose to sit on the football bleachers. It was a nice lunch, I had a sandwich and apple slices.

"Hey Oaklynn you're smart, do you want to go to Academic Decathlon practice with me after school? It's more fun than it sounds." Nova asks. I nod my head and quickly pull out my phone to text Dad saying that I'll text him when I need to be picked up. I stare at my Dad's contact. I take a deep breath and make a new contact and hand my phone to Nova.

"Oh my gosh you want my number? This is the best day ever!" Nova quickly types in her number. "Does this mean we're friends?" She asks innocently. I tip my hand side to side giving her 'kinda' as an answer.

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The last school bell finally rang and everyone cleared out the school. "Are you ready for practice?" Nova asks me as she walks up to my locker. I am actually excited for this. I can finally be somewhere that it's okay to be smart.

We walk into the gym where the stage was opened and a few people were sitting behind a table. They were answering questions that a girl was saying out loud to them. I loved the atmosphere. I followed Nova who I knew was going to introduce me to everyone. "Hey everyone! This is Oaklynn Stark. She's just going to observe us because she likes this sort of thing. She doesn't talk much." Nova yelled and I waved and I got a lot of "Hi Oaklynn" back. I sat in a chair that Nova set out for me.

I watched as practice went on. Michelle Jones was the captain of the team and she read all of the note cards that she had in her hand. As she read them, I answered them in my head and got them all right. Although I did notice the nerd with curly brown hair looking at me a few times. As practice ended, everyone packed their things and I waited patiently for Nova.

"Hey you." I turn my head to see Flash coming towards me. "Don't worry I'm not here to pick on you. I'm here to apologize. I was a jerk yesterday, and once you twisted my arm, I noticed that I'm am a jerk. You were making it even."

I grab a piece of paper from my notebook and write I'm sorry too.

"Right you don't talk much. Why's that?" he asked politely.

I don't trust anyone.

"Well trust me, I won't be a jerk anymore." he says and looks at me. I give him a sympathetic face.

I know you mean well, but I really don't trust anyone.

"That's my bad. Well I'll see you tomorrow." Flash stands up and leaves the gym.

A burning sensation starts where my tattoo is and I hold my arm, pain going through it. That's when I see him. The boy with the curly brown hair, looking directly at me. He looked like he had built up a bunch of courage and started to walk towards me but he was cut off by Nova. "Ready to go?" I nod my head and stand up, following her out the gym, me still holding my arm. We came outside, Dad's car waiting outside for me, the burning gone. I wave bye to Nova and got into the car.

Dad was sitting in the back. "How's was school?"

"Better than I thought." I say. "The guy who picked on me when I was there yesterday apologized." I immediately shut my eyes in frustration knowing what I just said.

"Someone picked on you?" Dad asks sternly.

"Dad he apologized it's fine. He said he didn't want be a jerk anymore." I defend.

"And you trust that?" Dad crosses his arms.

"That's not fair." I mumble.

My phone dinged. "Is that your mom? What does she want?" Dad asks.

"No it's Nova."

Heyyyyy how did you like practice?

I really liked it!

Great! I can talk to Michelle about you joining.

That wouldn't work. I wouldn't say anything.

Right... maybe I can ask if you at least can participate in practice. You can write your answer down.

Sounds great!

I slip my phone in my pocket as we walk into the elevator of the tower. The door opened for me to be surprised by the one and only Natasha Romanoff. "Nat!" I yell and run into her arms. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I heard that you had school today. And I just had to see myself." she looked down to me. "How did it go?"

"Good. I think I might be a part of the Academic Decathlon. I went to their practice after school." I say quite happily.

"Really? I don't see you as a talking type." Nat cocks her eyebrow.

"I'm not. I haven't talked to anyone yet. Only Nova when we first met." I say walking to the kitchen.

Nat followed me. "Nova? You have a friend?"

I look at Nat. "No I just know her. I don't trust her." I grab a water from the fridge.

"I want to meet her."

"No." I say immediately after.

"Why not Oak?" she sits in on one of the bar stools.

"I don't trust her."

"You don't trust anyone."

I roll my eyes and walk away to go to my room. "Bye Nat."

"You know I'm right!" she yells to me but I'm already in my room.

I sit and huff out a big breath. School took a lot out of me. All my classes are super easy. I lift up my sleeve to look at the words on my skin. I sigh. I'm not sure if I'll ever find my soulmate. And I'm not sure if I'm crushed or not. I wouldn't trust them anyways. I jump in my bed, closing my eyes hoping for a good new day.

trust issues - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now