e l e v e n

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sorry about posting this late:/ but here's chapter eleven, it's a little intense. but I don't have much to say other than please comment and vote:) thanks and enjoy!
warning: strong swearing
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I ended up walking to a park. I loved to go to them when I was younger, before Dad held a press conference announcing me to the world. They were always so peaceful, only if you zone out the kids yelling.

"Oak Park." a familiar voice says. "You're favorite ever since you were a kid." Dad sits next to me on the bench. "You loved to sit on the swings and give me your impressions of the other team members. Your Thor one was always my favorite." he leans back on the bench.

"You said you would never keep a secret from me. You lied." I say as the wind blew a piece of hair in my face.

"You also said that you would never ignore me again. I guess we both lied. And that stunt today? Wasn't cool."

I sigh. "I just wanted your attention. You're always gone."

"Well you got it today. I'm sorry I always have meetings. I'll try to make it up to you." he puts a hand in my shoulder. "Now. We should probably go before someone recognizes us."

I was about to stand before Dad's phone rings. He looks at me and I sigh. He answers. "What is it?" he pauses, "Okay I'll be there in the morning." Dad hangs up and gives me a sympathetic look.

"How long?" I ask.


I get angry, I'm allowed to. I stand up and shake my head in disapproval of Dad. I storm off, Dad calling my name, he tried to run to me but fans got in the way.

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I find myself at the Parker's residence, not really sure why I came. I hold my hand up in a fist, ready to knock, but I slowly put it down. I shouldn't be here at all. I turn and head for the elevator. I tap my foot anxiously waiting the the doors to open. I sigh and step inside the elevator pushing the lobby button in the process. As I looked down the hallway, a door opened, and of course it was Peter. We locked eyes for a moment and it felt like the world stopped. But it didn't. Before I knew it, the doors were closing.

The elevator dinged and I stepped out, walking at a quicker pace than normal. "Oaklynn!" I stop to the sound of Peter's voice. I turn to see Peter jogging towards me. "What are you doing here?"

I shrug. Honestly, Peter's apartment was the only place I knew besides the tower.

"Are you okay? I wouldn't think you would come here." Peter asks.

I nod. All I could do was nod.

"Look Oak, I was wondering if you wanted to have a movie night sleepover thing sometime?" Peter scratches the back of his neck. But all I could do was smile and nod. I quickly take out my phone.

Come over to my house. I'll be doing nothing. You can do your spiderman thing for awhile. Just meet me on my balcony.

Peter pulls out his phone and reads my text carefully. I notice that a few strands of his brown curly hair cover his forehead, mostly because it's messy, but I wouldn't have it any other way. His brown eyes scan the text over and over, a smile growing on his face. He finally looks up at me and shows his goofy grin. I couldn't hear anything else, everything around Peter was blurred. It was just him. I smile until he scrunches his eyebrows. His mouth moves meaning he's saying words but I can't hear.

I hear faint sounds but no clear words. My heart beat increases, my breathing with it. I can't hear. I can't hear.

trust issues - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now