e i g h t e e n

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heyyy we're reaching the end! only a few more chapters. happy reading!

I was awaken my someone persistently knocking on our door. I get up , extremely groggy and open the door. Ned stood there, looking shaken up. "Ned? What are you doing here so early? What do you want?" He doesn't say anything, he just pushes past and I shut the door behind him.

"Do you know where Peter is? He hasn't come back yet." Ned looked truly scared, which made my stomach drop. I pull out my iPad and find the location of my tracker I set on Peter.

I look at the location and immediately get confused. "He's at the Damage Control Deep Storage Vault, the most secure facility on the Eastern Seaboard." I look at the time. "There's no way in hell he'll make it back in time. I'll have to compete. But we have to get ready." I look over at Nova, still sleeping. "Nova wake up we have to get ready!" She sits up and rubs her eyes, then going to get dressed. "Go get ready Ned. We'll talk about this later."

- -

We finally reached sudden death round. I've been writing the answers and Ned and Michelle, or MJ she likes, answers. Sudden death round meant there was no time to waste by writing things down. I started to sweat, just thinking about saying the answer out loud. 

"The next correct answer wins the championship." the lady says aloud. For some reason my hand went for the button, not even thinking. "Midtown Tech?" All eyes were on me.

"Uh, zero." the room was dead silent.

"That is correct. Congratulations Midtown Tech!" Everyone cheered and Ned started to give me a hug. I felt proud of myself in actually doing good with talking.

We arrived at the Washington Monument, us all in a line to get in when Ned gets a call. "Oak it's from Peter." He answers the phone. "Peter, thank god, are you okay?" a pause. "Don't worry. It's safe in my backpack. You missed the decathlon Oaklynn and I covered for you. We're at the Washington Monument now-" Ned's phone was taken by Liz, Ned and I going through the scanner.

"You are so lucky we won. I want to be mad, but I'm more worried." Liz starts.

"Miss, all items on the belt." Liz puts the phone on the belt and the phone call was ended.

We start to go up the elevator, the lady inside giving us facts, boring me to death. I look over to Ned seeing his backpack start to glow. It was probably from the glow thing, it was probably detonated in the X-ray. It started to shoot lasers through the bag. "Ned! Take off your backpack!" Ned whips it to the floor, the laser then burning through the elevator making it stop.

"We're all going to die in here." Abraham complains.

"I know that was scary, but our safety systems are working." the lady says.

I put my glasses on and Thursday speaks right away, "All safety systems are completely failing."

Great we're all going to die.

The lady opens the top door, students crawling out. I make Nova go before me, making sure she's safe. Only Ned, Liz, Mr. Harrington, and I were left. Suddenly the ceiling rips open, us then free falling down. We all scream, I hold onto Ned for dear life. We slow down, a web was shot to the top. But again we fall, but stop on some elevator frame. Spider-Man falls down into the elevator and we begin to fall again, he then shoots a web to the ceiling, stopping us from falling.

Peter looks around and starts to talk in a Queens accent. "Hey, Don't worry about it, I got you." He pulls us up and we all exit safely, but Liz hangs back, the elevator breaks, Liz still inside, but Peter webs her hand and brings her back up.

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