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hey everyone here's chapter ten! sorry for not posting it on sunday like I planned, I got very busy. anyways, my next post is sunday, june 14th. it might be a little later in the day than normal bc I have a few plans this weekend.  other than that, I hope you enjoy the chapter!
warning: slight swearing
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I laugh. I actually laughed. Peter looked confused as I shook my head and kept laughing. I walk away from Peter and tapped the chest piece. I continued laughing as my sweatshirt turned into the suit. I then took off, still giggling to myself.

I land on my balcony and let the suit turn into a sweatshirt. I slide my door open to Dad sitting in my bed. I huff and walk towards my closet.

"You scared me. You've never done that before." Dad says twiddling his thumbs.

I didn't say anything. I'm not sure if I could trust him. He lied to me and probably more than I thought. He's keeping secrets, and I hate secrets.

"You hacked into my suit. That was impressive." he laughs a little and looks at me who was taking the sweatshirt-suit off. "Why did you leave? You've never acted this way. Why now?" I look at Dad and he looked sincere. But who knows he could be faking that too.

I pull on my shoes and start to make my way out of my room. "You're not, Oaklynn." I turn around to see Dad standing, eyes glossy. "I know you shut people out when things are tough but you can't do that right now. You can't shut me out. We're best friends Oak, we always have been." he takes a deep breath and walks towards me. "You have to trust me Oak. What happened to you always trusting me?"

I walk towards him and stiffen. "That was before you had your damn secrets." I whisper. I step back and walk out my room fully, making my way to the elevator and pressing the button. But to my surprise I open the door to see Peter inside. I instantly roll my eyes.

"Oaklynn you can't tell anyone." Peter instantly says, talking about the secret he said. I put my hand out meaning I didn't want to hear it. "Let me prove it."

I think about him bring Spider-Man. It kind of makes sense. That would explain what the incident was on the phone and why Peter knew what happened that night with Easton.

I lower my hand and cross my arms waiting for him to do something. He quickly shows me these high tech wristband looking things. I'm instantly amazed and step closer wanting to take a closer look. I reach my hand but I retreat it, knowing this isn't mine. I look at Peter and he nods with with a small blush. I return the blush and start to examine the tech.

After a few seconds I'm done looking at the tech. I knew they were web shooters. But that only shows that he has the webs. I point to the ceiling.

"You want me to go up there?" Peter asks. I nod. "Okay then." He jumps up to our higher ceilings which is impressive and he latches on. My mouth drops in amazement. He then latches a web to the ceiling and slowly starts to come down towards me upside down.

I smile was placed on my lips as head head was at my level. But it faded quickly. That means he was the one who saved me at the bridge. He was the one who stood there when Easton was scaring me. I know I waved him off but a friend wouldn't stop. They would interfere.

Peter saw my change in mood and a worried look went over his face.

"Peter Parker!" Dad yells and Peter falls to the floor. I help him up and all of the color in his face is gone.

"Mr. Stark I-" Peter starts.

"Zip it! What the hell are you doing? I told you not to tell anyone. And look what you did, you didn't just tell someone you told my daughter!" Dad yells.

"I-" Peter looks at me like he has a plan. "I didn't tell her. She found out. She recognized my voice. And I don't like lying to her."

"You are in big trouble Oaklynn the way it is so don't try anything. I'm dealing with him first." Dad commands.

But it was too late. The elevator was still open and I shove Peter into it, me going with him. I push the button to shut the doors and grab my second key card that I made, that blocks all Tony Stark commands. Dad yells at Friday telling to keep the doors open but my key card give her no access and the doors shut before Dad gets to us.

"Oaklynn what the hell are you doing?" Peter looked completely flustered. The doors open and Happy stands there with his arms crossed, mad as ever. I roll my eyes and Happy grabs my arm to take me somewhere to wait for Dad. I went willingly as if I was 'turning myself in'. I motion Peter to go outside and I walk with Happy, noticing he doesn't have that tight of a grip.

I rip my arm out of his grasp and I run with Peter, feeling the wind in my face, and knowing that Happy was trying to chase us made me smile. We go into an alley to catch our breath.

We stood on opposite sides, our backs against the walls. "I can't believe I just did that." Peter says as he almost get his breathing calm. I smile and calm myself down too. Peter instantly drops his head in defeat. I walk over and put my hand in his shoulder. He didn't look up so I moved his head myself by cupping my hand under his chin and lifting up. I look into his eyes and search for an answer.

He sighs. "I just can't believe that after all we've been through, you still don't talk to me. You still don't trust me. You talked to Ned and Nova. Why not me?" I remove my hand from his face and step back.

I won't speak because I think he's my soulmate. But how did he know I talked to Ned? He promised not to tell.

I pull out my phone and send him a message, but before he could read it, I left the alley.

I trust you with everything. I'm just afraid.

trust issues - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now