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here's chapter four! this is the first chapter that starts to pick up the story. also I WILL BE POSTING EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SUNDAY! I decided that it's best to post twice a week, it sounded better. so be ready for the next post on Sunday (May 24th). anyways, enjoy the chapter!
warnings: none
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"I've always wanted to talk to him." I give Nova a weird look. "Ned Leeds, one of the nerds. He's the one wearing the hat. And Peter Parker is the other one. But he's weird and disappears a lot." Nova shuts her locker. "Ready?"

We make our way to practice and I set out a chair for myself. "Nope you're sitting with the team today." Nova leads me to the group.

"Okay everyone," Michelle announces. "I'm officially putting Oaklynn on the team, but she won't be participating in competitions due to her own circumstances. So let's all get in small groups to go over notecards that we made."

We all disperse into groups. My tattoo started to burn again but I carried on. I was with Nova, Ned, Abraham, Flash, and Peter. Everyone was having a great time including me, but Peter seemed be extremely nervous. "Peter are okay dude?" Ned asks nudging his arm. Peter glances at me. "Dude are you nervous around the new girl because that's Tony Stark's daughter and you have an internship with her dad?"

My eyes widen, and Peter goes pale. I open my mouth as if I would say something, but wouldn't. Not to this many people.

"Wait you have internship with her dad?" Nova interjects, clearly interested.

"That's where Peter always goes to." Ned says proudly.

"That's why you disappear? In the middle of the day?" Nova asks.

Flash scoffs, "He's probably obsessed with your dad Oaklynn. No wonder why he leaves so early. He wants to impress him. Or even better, maybe once he heard about Oaklynn, he wants to stalk her."

Peter face goes completely red. "I'm not obsessed, I just want to be like him. I want to prove to Tony Stark that I'm good enough."

Oh. My. Gosh. My eyes widen and tears start to form in them. This can't be happening. He can't be my soulmate. I wouldn't trust him even if I wanted to.

"Peter what did you do?" Nova asks crawling towards me to see if I'm okay.

"I didn't do anything I just said what I said." Peter freaks out.

"Great job Peter, you talk to the new girl for the first time and you freak her out by being creepy and awkward." Flash says laughing a little.

"Shut up Flash. Are you okay Oaklynn? I'm sorry if that sounded creepy." Peter crawls towards me.

Everyone was getting closer to me and my tears started to stream out of my eyes. I couldn't hold them back. I quickly got up, grabbed my backpack and ran out the school. I didn't want to stay at the school any longer so I decided to walk home. It was about a twenty minute walk and I was okay with it.

About ten minutes in I was crossing the bridge that meant I was half way there. Suddenly Dad called. "Hello?"

["Where are you? Happy called me saying that you ran out the school ten minutes ago."] Dad sounded worried.

"I'm fine Dad. I'm walking home. I'll be home in like ten minutes okay? I'm crossing the-" I was cut off by a car hitting me then the side of the bridge. I flew forward and over the side of the bridge but I grabbed onto the rail of the bridge that was now unsteady. I don't know where my phone went, I hope Dad is coming to get me. The rail was bending, making my grip slip. Suddenly a masked figure swings over.


He first pulled everyone out of the car making sure they were okay. Someone yelled, "It's Tony Stark's daughter!" and Spider-Man whipped his head around and first jumped on the rail making it bend more making me slip farther to the end of the broken rail. He jumps onto the car and reaches his hand out.

"Grab my hand!" he yelled. I widen my eyes. His widen too. "Trust me. You can trust me. Please grab my hand."

I look down. A fast river under me, I would definitely drown if I went down, especially when I can't swim. I look back at Spider-Man. The rail started bending faster and faster til it broke. I reached my hand to grab his but I was short. "No!" he yelled and shot a web grabbing my hand. He slowly pulls me up and when I reach him he grabs my hand and I immediately hold onto him around his waist. He stiffened but eventually put his arms around me, one across my back the other on my head.

He saved my life. Spider-Man saved my life.

I trust him.

I almost said thank you but I heard Dad land in his suit. "Thank you Spider-Man. But I'll take her now." Dad said. Spider-Man tapped me on the shoulder but I wouldn't let go. He ended up having to carry me to Dad. "Oaklynn you can let go." I finally loosen my grip and step away from Spider-Man. I smile at him and I swore he smiled back. Dad wrapped his metal arm around my waist and I wrapped my arms around the suit. Then we flew off.

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"What were you thinking Oaklynn?" Dad yelled as I walked into my room him following me.

"I left practice and I didn't want to wait for someone to get me. Because I knew you wouldn't have even picked me up." I throw my backpack on my bed.

"Why did you leave? Happy said that Nova told him that you ran out crying. What happened at practice?" Dad questions.

"It was nothing." I say quietly. Dad opened his mouth but his phone started to ring. I peeked and saw the caller ID as 'kid'. "Who's that?" I ask.

"No one. I have to take this." Dad quickly got out of my room and shut the door behind him.

"Thursday? Who is 'kid' on Dad's phone?" I put Thursday in my room ever since Dad gave me the software.

"The contact under the name 'kid' is classified." Thursday replies.

Why would Dad's contacts be classified? Especially one that was named 'kid'?

Curiosity gets the best of me. "Thursday is Dad still on the phone?"


"Where is he?"

"In his lab."

I jump off my bed and quietly go down to the lab. I sit on the steps so Dad couldn't see me through the glass. "Thursday," I say to the glasses I put on. "give me sound from the lab."

"Slow down kid what exactly did you say to her?" Dad asks into the phone there was a slight pause. "You said that you weren't obsessed and you just want to be like me? And that you wanted to prove to me that you're good enough?" there was a pause. "Kid, I bet she's fine. And also you've already proved to me that you're good enough. Especially with the incident that happened today. You don't have to be extra around me or Oaklynn, just be yourself. Got it?" there was another pause. "Okay I have to go. Bye kid."

Wait that's what Peter said to me today. Why would Dad have Peter as a classified person? I quickly get up from the steps and go into my room to process what I heard.

trust issues - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now