t w e n t y

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hey everyone! I thought about making this the last chapter so it would be an even number, but I realized there's no possible way I could do that. so, there's one more chapter left after this. happy reading!
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I ran, following Peter to the front of the school, where he jumped onto Flash's car demanding for him to take it. As he piles out with the girl he had with, I jump in start to drive off. Peter puts Ned on speaker so he could give me directions.

I speed down the road, Peter freaking out next to me. "He just passed the GameStop on Jackson Avenue." I turn the wheel sharply to the right, on my way to Jackson Avenue.

"Have you gotten through to Happy yet?" Peter yells into the phone.

"Working on it. I have to get through the phone system." Ned replies.

"What about my phone?" Peter yells again.

"He stopped at an old industrial park in Brooklyn." I turn to the left, heading to Brooklyn.

"That makes no sense he said he was going out of town." Peter questions as if Ned knew the answer.

"Hey I got through to Happy, I don't think he likes you. He sounded like he was catching a flight. He was surrounded by boxes." Ned informs. That's because of moving day.

Moving day.

"Shit it's moving day! He's going to rob that plane I've got to stop him! Oaklynn faster!" Peter demands. I hit the accelerator harder and it goes faster.

"Slow down its the next right." Ned says. I spot the turn and make a hard right, Peter freaking out next to me.

"I gotta go Ned. Keep trying to get through to Happy." Peter exits the car. "Oak, get to the tower and try to do something." I nod and I hit the accelerator, getting out of there and to the tower. I check the time 7:58pm. The plane was taking off in two minutes.

I weave through streets, noticing that it's 8:05pm already. Suddenly I see the plane coming down from the sky and to the beach. "Holy shit I'm so glad my stuff was moved in a truck." I take a sharp right and head to the beach.

As the plane crashes, I get into the parking lot and sprint for the beach. As I reach the edge, I see Peter and Liz's dad fighting. I see him grab Peter and pound him into the ground multiple times. There was nothing I could do, and it broke me to admit that. He finally drops Peter and goes for what he wanted in the plane, grabbing what he can. Peter tried to stop him, but his wings end up exploding, him falling towards the ground. I try to go to Peter but he runs into the fire. I look for him frantically, he then emerges from the flames with Liz's dad on his shoulders. I sigh in relief.

I walk back to the car, waiting for Peter to emerge from the beach. As he does, I honk the horn and he smiles and walks towards me. He gets in and his horrid stench wafts into my nose making me plug it. "What? You don't like my new cologne?" Peter laughs. "I'm not sure how you feel about me at all, I just want to tell you that I do like you Oaklynn. Soulmates or not."

I lean back in my seat and laugh. "Peter, you're such a dork." I turn towards him. "I like you too. Soulmates or not." Peter's face lightens up by the sound of my voice as he pulls down the waistband of his pants, showing his tattoo of exactly what I just said. "You know Peter, I would kiss you right now, but you smell so bad that I can't."

Peter puts his hand on my cheek. "Are you sure about that?"

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Liz had to say goodbye to everyone that next Monday. I said it Sunday when I saw her, due to me not going to school today. I was busy unpacking my room and making it perfect. Once I finished, I admired my new, humongous room, that was bigger than my old one.

"Miss Stark," Vision came through my wall, "I am informing you that I am not on this residential floor, I am on the on below."

Vision scared the shit out of me. "Vision, I knew that. And what do we keep telling you? Doors are there for a reason."

"My apologies." Vision says and leaves the room, through the door this time.

I sit down and my phone dings.

You still coming over?

Yep just about to leave.

I quickly shoot Dad a text because I know he had a press conference scheduled.

I'm driving to Nova's I'll be having dinner with her and friends too.

Okay drive safe.

I grab my keys to my sleek new Audi that Dad gave to me because he felt bad for moving upstate. I trot down the steps outside to see Peter Parker also walking down them. "Parker!" I yell and I go faster down the steps.

"Stark, what a surprise." he waits for me while I catch up.

"I feel like my dad when you call me that. What are you doing?" I open the big garage and remotely start my car.

"I'm currently waiting for Happy to take me home." We slowly walk down the steps.

"Oh just ride with me. I'm going to Nova's. Also did you tell anyone that I talked to you?" I open my car door and he opens the passenger door.

"Nope. Not one word."

Peter and I made a plan to prank Ned and Nova. We decided that we were going to pretend that I haven't spoken yet. Nova had made this plan for a little dinner at a small diner in Queens we all agreed. We planned to tell the news smoothly.

"I thought you were going to talk to him at homecoming." Nova says scrolling through her phone.

"Well he left remember? I couldn't find him when I left the gym." I say, pulling over to park.

Nova turns to me, "You never came back."

"My dad's plane crashed."

"Fine you win. Let's go."

We walk into the diner and it smelt like fresh pies and baked goods. I loved it in here. I spotted Peter and Ned they both had bought us chocolate milkshakes. We sat in the booth and at first no one said anything. I'm not sure why, I thought for sure Nova would say something.

I took a sip of my milkshake and decided to break the silence. "So Peter, is my dad give you your internship back?"

"Yes he did." Peter nods his head. "Also May is okay with you coming over for dinner tomorrow night."

"Wait." Nova raises her eyebrows at us. "You two are talking?"

"We're soulmates, why wouldn't we?" I question.

"Oh my gosh! You're soulmates!" Nova gives me a hug and I hug her back.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Ned asks. "And does that mean we can't hangout every night?"

"It was a surprise Ned." Peter says. "And you're still my best friend."

"Stop being sad and be happy! Now we can all have a normal conversation when we go places, not one where you three talk and I sit there." I smile and everyone else does too.

I'm glad these are my friends.

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