t w e l v e

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hey everyone! sorry for not updating in...forever. but here is chapter twelve for you to enjoy! I'll update as soon as I can, so be on the lookout.
warnings: none
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"Oaklynn! I heard the crash are you okay?" Rhodey rushed into the kitchen to find me standing by the fridge with glass pieces and water surrounding me, crying. "Oaklynn?" Rhodey steps closer to me and sees it. "Oh my gosh."

"Rhodey don't tell Mom, please." I sob.

"Are you hurt?" he grabs a pair of shoes to walk towards me.

"No, unless the glass cut me without knowing." I say.

"Oaklynn, where did the blood come from?" He asks while stepping towards me.

"Blood?" I say confused but then I look at myself. Peter's blood was all over my shirt and hands, probably on my face too. "It's not mine."

Rhodey finally reaches me and picks me up, the water dripping from my feet. He sets me down in one of the chairs and checks me over, making sure the blood wasn't actually mine.

"What the hell happened?" Rhodey asks again.

I look at my shirt again, seeing blood, Peter's blood.

"I will explain later. Please don't tell Mom please I will be back." I run up the stairs before he had a chance to stop me.

I burst into my room, locking the door behind me and running to the bathroom. I open the door to see Peter propped up against the wall with his new clothes on. I crouch next to him and lift his shirt, seeing that the blood soaked the gauze almost completely. I grab a new sheet and more wrap and apply it on top.

"How do you know how to do this?" Peter says strained.

I tug on Dad's shirt.

"Oh I bet you had to stitch up your Mr. Stark quite a bit." Peter tries to laugh but it turns into a groan from pain. I give him a sympathetic smile and reach into the cabinet grabbing a bottle of liquid ibuprofen and a syringe. He fidgets and I put a hand on his shoulder, reassuring him. He nods and I inject the medication and dispose of the needle.

I stand up and put my hand out for Peter to take. He gives me a 'are you kidding me' face but he eventually takes my hand and I help him up and we walk over to my bed. I place him on it and cover him up and hand him the remote for the flatscreen.

I go into my closet and grab some comfy pjs and I go into the bloody bathroom. I shrug and take a nice shower, trying to get everything off. My hands were stained, and my face was too. I shrug it off and walk out of the bathroom to see Peter watching a movie I've never seen before. I smile and crawl into bed and cover myself up just for someone to knock on the door.

I groan and get up to see Sam at the door. "Can I talk to you?" I look back to see Peter smiling at his movie. I nod and close the door behind us.

"What is it?" I say, thinking he doesn't know, but I was wrong.

"Don't pull that shit on me. What the hell happened? Rhodes got called into work but right before that, I saw him cleaning up glass and dried blood from the fridge handles. He said you had blood all over you, and it wasn't yours." Sam questions.

"Look, Peter got hurt today and I helped him. He was planning on staying over tonight so his aunt isn't going to worry that he's not home." I explain.

Sam cocks his eyebrow and smirks. "You have a boy spending the night?" I roll my eyes. "Wow I never thought your dad would be cool with that."

I look away, obviously saying that I never told Dad. "I never asked him. He left me again, it's his fault he's not here."

"Oak, you still have to tell him." Sam argues.

"Well I don't care, he's not here." I start getting frustrated.


"Sam, just go. I am dealing with this." I open my door back up and Peter looks at me and smiles.

I crawl into my bed a pull the covers that were on Peter. "Oak, what are you doing? I'm cold." he complains. I lift up his shirt again to see the gauze not completely soaked through, but enough. I put another layer on, hoping that it was the last one.

I start to wrap him up while I think about it. Peter getting stabbed. It's not safe for Peter out in the world, he's only 15 and fighting bad guys. Peter could've died. He could've not made it out of where ever he was. I didn't really notice that started crying.

"Hey Oaklynn, I'm fine, really. It doesn't even hurt that much." Peter starts.

"That is because she injected liquid ibuprofen, a pain killer, into your system." Thursday interjects.

"Well I guess that does make a lot of sense." he laughs lightly, trying not to put himself in anymore pain. "But anyways," he wipes my tears, "I'm fine and I'll be mostly healed in the morning." he scans my face and takes a deep breath as if he is nervous. "Come here." Peter lightly pulls on me and lay on his shoulder, his arm around me. He pulls the covers up and we stay like that, until we both drift to sleep.

-- morning --

I wake up Sunday morning with Peter still under my head. I sit up quickly and check his wound. Nothing soaked through. I peel off the layers of gauze to find a small scab. Peter was right, he was going to be okay in the morning. I grab a sticky note and write 'good morning. text me if you need anything, I'll be outside.' and stick it to his forehead.

I step down the stairs slowly examining my hands that still had dried blood in the crevasses of my skin, with a tint of red all over. I let out a big exhale before I hear someone talking in the kitchen, the voice sounded like Sam. I peeked into the kitchen and he was on the phone. Of course I eavesdrop.

"I don't know, it was weird. I've never seen her act like this. She's always so honest to us, but now, she's keeping secrets. I think we need to have a family meeting." Sam says into the phone.


The last time we had a family meeting, let's just say it got super heated and punches were thrown. A meeting never happened again.

I decide to walk down the steps to grab something to eat and Sam immediately ended the call. "Who was that?" I ask innocently.

"Um it was Steve. Yeah he called to check up on everyone." Sam lies.

"Oh okay. What is he up to? I haven't seen him in forever." I ask, grabbing a bottle of water.

"Not much. Just the Captain America duties." Sam fidgets his hands. "So are you going to talk about it?"

I sigh and look and my hands again.

"Oak, is that dried blood? And is it on your face?" Sam grabs my hand and looks it over.

"Yes, and it's fine. Well I'm going to escape this conversation and go back upstairs." I say as I bounce up the steps.

I open the door to my room to see Peter sitting up on his phone with the sticky note still stuck to his forehead. What a dork. I roll my eyes and throw him the water bottle, him catching it without looking. I raise my eyebrows, obviously impressed.

"So what are we doing today?" Peter asks before we both get interrupted.

"Miss Stark your father has arrived home." Thursday interjects.

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