n i n e

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here's chapter nine! sorry for posting it later than I usually do. anyways, my next post is sunday, june 7th so be ready for that. other than that, make sure to vote and comment it means a lot:)
warning: slight swearing
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My eyes flutter open as the sun rose. It's Saturday morning and I swing my legs over the bed walking over to my window that takes up the whole wall. I sigh and take in the view over my balcony. I grab a sweatshirt and open the sliding door to the balcony and step outside. The cold October air bites at my cheeks. I take a seat in one of the chairs sitting outside. I took a deep breath and took in the view. I missed when Dad would sit with me out here all the time. When I was truly happy. I walk over to the end and peer down. I see all the cars pass the tower but then I see a familiar face jog into the tower. Peter Parker.

I run back into my room and put my black hair into a messy bun and slide on some leggings, leaving my sweatshirt on. I quickly go down the steps to see Mom eating.

"Mom is Dad home from his conference?" I ask in a rush.

"I thought you didn't care." she says not looking at me.

"Just is he?" I ask.

"Yes, he's in the lab." she replies.

"Perfect." I rush to the elevator and click the button for the lab. I peer through the windows and see Dad talking to Peter. I type in the code and walk into his lab.

"Pepper I'm in the middle of some.. oh Oak. What are you doing down here?" Dad asks surprised it was me.

I raise my eyebrows and motion to Peter.

"Oh. Well he's an intern here. You know that. I'm talking to him about that." Dad leans back into his chair and I look at Peter. He wouldn't make eye contact and his face was red. Dad was lying.

I look the my left and walk to Dad's cyber desk. I turn drawing mode on and write. You're lying. I glare at Dad knowing that he wasn't going to tell me.

"Oak, I'm not lying to you. I'm telling the truth." Dad admits.

I write again. Tell me the whole truth. I start to get frustrated. Dad just gave me a warning look to stop.

Okay, Dad was no use. But Peter might be. I look at him and plead with my eyes.

"Kid don't give in. I know it's hard but don't." Dad says to Peter.

I huff and type in a password to open an iron man suit Dad made for me in case of an emergency. I think this is one. It unlocks and I storm over to grab the chest piece.

"Oaklynn do not." Dad warns getting up.

I put the chest piece on and look at Dad dead in the eyes. Peter was in shock. I cock my eyebrows and mouth, "Watch me."

I double tap the chest piece and the nanotechnology starts to crawl up my arms and body. The helmet covers my face and I whisper to Thursday, "Open the door."

On cue the door opens. "Friday shut the door!" Dad yells.

"Sorry sir my mainframe can't do it. I would have to hack and it would be too late." Friday responds.

I smirk but they didn't see it. I use the thrusters and fly out the tower. As I reach the sky I hover, taking in the different angle at the city. I haven't been in the suit in awhile, I've only been working on it in the late hours. I colored it the silver color of the first prototype, I thought it would be cool to remember it.

Suddenly a red suit came towards me and Dad called me. "Don't answer." I say to Thursday but for some reason she did.

Dad face pops up and he's clearly angry. "Oaklynn what the hell are you doing?"

"Dad you always keep secrets around me. It's not fair!" I defend.

"It's one thing if you storm off in your room, but taking the suit? That's another level. Take it back. You're grounded for..ever." Dad commands.

"Not until you tell me the truth. You never let anyone in your lab. And not to mention, Peter has had this internship for almost a year and I've never seem him in the tower. Why is he now?" I question.

"Oaklynn we'll talk about this in the tower. Go. Now." Dad makes a warning face to me as his face is still on my screen.

"No I want to know!"



I don't how but we both had our hands up ready to blast each other. I was extremely tempted, I actually thought about it.

"End call." I say and Thursday mutes me. "Okay Thursday I need to own him. Now."

"On it." Thursday replies.

"Let's try to shake him." I say to myself and I take off, Dad on my tail. I weave through buildings and eventually cars when I close enough to the ground.

"Thursday anytime now." I urge on. Dad was gaining up on me slowly but I still had a lead.

"You're in." Thursday replies.

"Send him home." I order with a smirk. With that Dad turned around to go back to the tower. I stopped and went into an alley taking the suit and turning it into a sweatshirt. I walked the streets, living. Not being held down by things Dad wants me to be.

"Oaklynn." I turn around see Peter. I roll my eyes and keep walking. "Oaklynn stop." he jogs up to me and stands in front of me. I try to walk to the side of him but he blocks me. "I said stop."

I tilt my head up so I could look at his pretty brown eyes. He turns to look around us, seeing if anyone is watching. When he decided that the coast was clear, he led me to the alley next to us. He closed the gate that happened to be on this alley and checked again if the coast was clear.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Peter comes back and stands in front of me with his hands lightly on my shoulders. "I can't believe I'm telling you this." he takes a deep breath and looked into my eyes and I look back into his. "I'm Spider-Man."

trust issues - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now