f o u r t e e n

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I don't have much to say but here's fourteen!
warnings: none
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I sat on the end of Nova Well's bed, who's apartment turned out to be in the same building as Peter's just one floor down, even the same room placement, Peter was exactly above us. I was in a nice blue party dress that Nova forced me to put on, and waterproof makeup with it because we both knew I was probably going to cry sometime tonight. I really didn't want to go the party anymore, not with Peter all mad at me. I never felt this terrible, not about a person.

Nova sighs as she puts her makeup on. "Oaklynn go sit outside. You need some fresh air." She points to her window and I open it, then crawling outside on the small fire escape. The cold air nipped at my skin. I took a deep breath of the unclean city air and somewhat relaxed. But that all changes when the window above me opens.

I hear Ned's voice first, "Come on Peter. You're telling me that you want to forget about Oaklynn?"

"Yes! She doesn't even like me! Why else wouldn't she talk to me? She obviously doesn't want to get attached to me or something." Peter's voice rang out angrily.

"Have you ever thought maybe she's just trying to find the perfect moment and words? Liz being back isn't any sort of fate. It's a complete coincidence." Ned was obviously angry at Peter for not understanding.

There was a pause. "Ned," Peter's voice was quiet as he was probably sick of fighting. "I'm done with Oaklynn Stark. I may work for her dad, but there is nothing between us and nothing ever will. Liz is back and I'm going to focus on her. She has a crush on Spider-Man, and that's me Ned. I'll show her Spider-Man then come back to the party as myself. Easy."

Peter's words were a knife in my heart. A few tears dripped and I crawled back into Nova's room, making sure I slammed the window, so they knew I was out there.

Nova knocked three times on Peter's apartment door. Inside I was hoping they wouldn't open the door, but I knew no matter how much I wished, they would open the door. The door opened, Peter standing in doorway. I give a cold look at Peter, he immediately looked down, confirming it was me outside on the fire escape. He steps aside so Nova and I could walk in, Nova quickly walked through, me behind her but Peter put his hand in my arm, stopping me.

"Can we talk?" Peter looks down at me, pleading me with his eyes. I think for a second, but I knew he wanted nothing to do with me. I ripped my arm out his grasp and walked into the apartment. Inside, Ned looked at me as if my dog had just died. I look at Nova, who was just informed about the conversation, she had the same look on her face as the boy next to her. All eyes were on me, Peter's eyes burning into the back of my head.

"Okay, are all of you ready?" May walks in from the hallway, she slows down noticing the tension in the room. "Everything okay?"

"Everything is okay May. We're ready." Peter interjects.

"Okay let's go then!" May starts walking to the door and everyone follows.

The car ride was awkward to say the least. May tried to start conversation, but it would die quickly. Once we pulled up the house, I immediately got out, straight shooting to the house. Nova ran after me, the boys not far behind. I walked into the house, the smell of alcohol burning my nose. I weave through people, looking behind me once, seeing Peter catching up to me. I walk faster to find what I was looking for, the alcohol. I wanted this night to disappear, this was the only reason why I still came to this party, so I could get wasted and forget the night. I grab a cup and ask someone where the strongest stuff was. They pointed to a punch bowl on the table. I dip my cup in and tip the cup to my mouth, but someone grabbed my arm.

"Oaklynn what the hell are you doing? You can't drink away your problems." Peter protests. I raise my eyebrows. My father did. He drank all of his worries away. So why couldn't I? I rip my hand from Peter's grasp and start to drink the strongest alcohol I've ever tasted, even compared to Dad's. "Oaklynn I said stop!" Peter grabs the cup out of my hand and throws it into the garbage next to us. All I wanted to do was scream at him. I wanted to yell at him for what he said, I wanted to just let go of all the emotions I keep inside. I grab another cup and fill it, just for Peter to try to take it away, but this time, it spilled all over my dress, the red seeping into the blue fabric. I had enough of his bullshit. I slapped him and stormed away, eventually finding myself outside.

I sat in a chair I found outside and let the few tears I had out. Eventually someone nudged me. I looked up to see Flash Thompson with two cups in his hand. "Hey. I saw you wanted this drink so I got you a cup. Sorry about your dress. Penis Parker ruins a lot of shit." I smile at him.

"Thanks." I say. I take a sip of the drink, it burning my throat a little. I look over to see Flash surprised. "What's wrong?"

"You-you talked to me." Flash had no words, he was utterly surprised. I nod. "You talked to me before Penis Parker. I feel honored." I tip my cup all the way up, drinking every last drop.

"Well I don't know about you, but I'm going to get wasted. I want to forget this night." I start to stand up, ready for another cup.

"Although Penis Parker was right about that." I turn back around to Flash looking at me. "You can't drink your problems away."

I scoff. "Watch me."

"Oaklynn stop! That's enough!" I was on my 15th cup, Nova was trying to stop me but she couldn't. "Fine. Throw your life away because of a boy. I'm not stopping you anymore." Nova storms off with Ned following behind her. I was okay, another thing to drink to.

I look over to the couch where Peter was sitting, Liz sitting snug next to him. My blood boils even more. I chug another cup, refilling it again. People cheered for me, saying I was a party animal. People chanted 'chug' as I refilled another cup. I lifted up the cup, showing everyone I was about to do another one but it was ripped out of my hand.

Peter Parker came back to stop me once again. He threw the cup into the trash. "That's it Oaklynn. You're done." I scoffed and reached for another cup but he grabbed my arm. "No. I said you're done. Let's go I'm taking you home." I tugged lightly but I didn't move. "I'm not going to tell you again. We're leaving. Now." He tugged harder and I stumble behind him, walking towards the door. I've never seen him so mad before, but who actually cared, not me.

I felt the alcohol kick in, my mouth opening more, threatening to speak. I put my hand on my mouth, not letting it talk. Peter and I walked to the tower in the night, he was clearly pissed off. I stumbled every few steps, Peter helping me walk. It was cold, Peter gave me his sweatshirt two blocks earlier. I don't ever remember what happened after that, I don't remember arriving to the tower, that's where the alcohol stepped in.

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