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here's chapter eight! I'm not going to lie, this chapter is a little off topic if that makes sense. so with that in mind, I'll be posting a bonus chapter this friday, june 5th. other than that there's not much else to say except make sure to vote and comment:)
warnings: none
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I didn't say a word. Not that I expected myself to, but I was in shock.

"Did you miss me?" Easton takes steps towards me. I don't say anything. "Oh right. I heard about you not talking and your trust issues. But it's me Oak. It's your Easton."

Easton was about a head taller than me. He came up to me and hugged me. He rested his jaw on my head his hand on the back of my hand. I didn't hug back. All I did was quickly pull out my phone and text Peter.

Find me and help.

"You okay? It's me." Easton puts his hands on my shoulders and bends over a little to look into my eyes. I nod slowly not sure what to do.

Easton left years ago, not keeping in touch at all. Then four years later when we're sixteen and have our own lives, he comes back. He comes and pushes himself back into my life.

Hurry up Peter.

"I know what your thinking. Why am I here and where was I?" Easton takes a step back. "I didn't want to leave Oak. I really didn't. But we moved to Maine. I was broken. I know I didn't seem like it but I was. I want to be friends again."

I wanted to yell at him. I wanted to tell him that he broke me. I wanted to yell at him saying that he should've stayed in touch. But I couldn't. I just stood there.

Easton started to get a little angry due to my silence. "Why won't you talk to me? Come on Oaklynn! What are you afraid of? Why don't you trust me? You've known me for years!" I started to step back slowly, waiting impatiently for Peter to save me. "Come on Oaklynn I'll give you a ride home. My car is this way."

There was no way I was going with him. I stepped back. Easton came over to me and grabbed my wrist with a tight grip. I tried to fight him off but it was no use. "You're coming with me. We need to catch up."

Suddenly I saw a shadowy figure in the alley next to us. Ugh not another creep. But it wasn't another creep. It was, Spider-Man. I sigh in relief. I knew I was going to be okay.

"Let the lady go." Spider-Man's voice rang out. It sounded familiar but that was probably because he's saved me before. He emerges out of the shadows. I feel Easton grips my wrist tighter.

"No. She's my sister. She snuck out I was just bringing her home." Easton lies.

"Well you see I would believe you," Spider-Man starts. "but I know for a fact that's Oaklynn Stark, an only child."

Easton looks at me and I stare into his cold eyes, something I've never experienced from him. But I've seen it. Anger issues. He has anger issues.

I look back at Spider-Man. His eyes in the mask were narrow, meaning he was ready to strike. I hold my hand out for him to stand down. The mask's eyes got bigger but he took a step back. I move myself so I was in front of Easton, and my back to Spider-Man.

I take a deep breath. I haven't done this in forever. "Easton." I whisper. My anxiety is through the roof. Easton's eyes widen slightly and his grip loosens a little. "Easton I know you're scared. I know you have anger issues. That's okay. I have issues of my own."

Tears welled up in his eyes. "I've missed you." he says quietly.

"Easton. If you care about me you need to let me go." I say it soft, but stern at the same time. "I'm not going anywhere. Let's meet up another day. Okay? But you need to let me go Easton."

Easton's tears fell down his cheeks. "I've always wanted to do one thing since I met you. I've always wanted to be with you. But you have a soulmate." he looks down at his hand that's gripping my wrist. "I'm so sorry."

I scan his face. He let's go and I take a step back. He gets in his car and drives away.

I quickly grab my phone and text Peter.

Where are you?

I look behind me to see Spider-Man gone. I sigh. Tears fall from my eyes and I fall to the ground, crying.

"Oaklynn! Oaklynn?" I turn to see Peter emerging out of the darkness. He spots me and starts to sprint. "Oaklynn!" He kneels next to me and takes me into his grasp. "Oh my gosh Oaklynn are you okay?"

I cry into the crook of Peter's neck. I'm not going to say anything, I didn't even have the energy. We stayed like that for awhile, in each other's arms.

"You probably should get home. I'll walk you." Peter helps me up and puts his arm around me, making me feel more safe. The walk was nice, better than the first half.

As we came up to the tower grab my security card to get in at this time. I grab my phone and I saw five missed calls from Mom and three from Dad. Oh no. I scan my card and I walk in, Peter close behind. "Oaklynn!" Mom rushes to me and tightly pulls me in for a hug. Peter let's go. "Where were you? You said you were walking home one hour ago. It only takes ten from the Parker's." She looks past me and sees Peter. "Go over by Happy. Now." She gives me a light push and I go over to Happy.

"Hi Happy." I mumble. I look over to Mom and Peter. Peter was explaining what happened. Not there was much. He wasn't there for any of the incident, so what were they talking about?

"Happy? Can you take Peter home please?" Mom yells over. Happy nods and escorts Peter out.

Mom and me went into the elevator. "You're father was so worried that he almost left his conference."

"Oh please." I scoff. "He would've only come home to punish me."

trust issues - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now