s i x t e e n

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omg so sorry about not posting in forever. school is very stressful. but I hope you enjoy!
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"What's a male sex cell called?" I read the flash card aloud.

Nova Wells laid on her back, her head hanging off the side of her bed. She shot up and looked at me. "A sperm. Come on Oak why do you keep asking the easy ones?"

I drop her flash cards. "Nova you made these. I'm just reading them off. We've gone through them seven times and you haven't gotten any wrong in the past two. I think you'll be fine in this test."

She sits up. "You're probably right. I'm going to finish the math homework we had." She pulled a purple workbook out of her backpack and started to work.

"I'm going to get going then. Any dinner suggestions in Queens?" I stand up and grab my backpack.

"Definitely Delmar's. See you tomorrow." Nova waves goodbye and I go on my way to find the sandwich shop.

After five minutes of walking I finally arrive. It was a cute little shop, the amazing smell wafting into my nose. "Hey pretty lady, what can I get you?"

I look at the menu, not sure what to get. "Um I've never been here before. Surprise me, just no tomatoes please."

I walk down the small aisles of different snacks. I hear Mr. Delmar make a call when I see Spider-Man fighting people in Avengers mask in the bank across the street. The must be what the call was about. Suddenly a big laser starts to shoot through the bank and come right for us. "Get down!" I yell as I hit the floor, the laser shooting through the store, one of the shelves falling on me in the process. Fire started all around me, capturing me.

"Mr. Delmar!" I hear Peter yell. I hear some commotion and coughing meaning Mr. Delmar was safe.

"There's a young lady in there still! She never came out. She was in the front of the store." Mr. Delmar yells.

I hear shelves moving until the one on top of me was finally removed. "Oaklynn!" I was picked up by Peter and set back on the floor by Mr. Delmar on the street. "Make sure she gets medical help," is all I her before I hear Peter's feet hit the pavement, running away.

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"What the hell were you doing there Oaklynn?" Peter asks for what feels like the millionth time. I roll my eyes and slam my locker shut, walking away. Peter tried to follow me but Ned grabs him and pulls him away, which left me mentally thanking him. I had bruised ribs and cuts everywhere, including one big gash on the side of my face that was taped up.

In our shop class, I noticed Peter and Ned being extremely suspicious. They were huddled on one work area. I shook it off but once I heard a bang, my head snapped to their direction and I made my way towards them. In Peter's hands was a purple glowing object. I snatched it from his grasp and started to examine it. Peter tried to reach for it,  it it was no use. I cross my arms and wait for an explanation.

Peter sighs. "At Liz's party I saw an explosion and checked it out. It turns out they had some high tech weapons, the same ones as the bank robbers had. That is what was in it. And yes, Ned knows. He figured out last night when I came home." I handed the purple thing back to Peter and walked away.

At the end of the day, Peter wasn't as jumpy to get out of class, he actually walked out. Him and Ned were staying after school for some reason, maybe to study, but I had to stay to check it out.

"You coming over today? And what the hell happened to your face?" Nova asks tapping on my locker.

"Uh no not today. I have to pack for the decathlon and for the move. And I was at Delmar's in the explosion." I say leaning against the locker next to me.

"Damn. Let me know if you need help packing. I'll come over anytime. See you tomorrow." Nova twists on her heels and leaves the school.

Barely anyone was left in the school, I follow the two boys around until they reach a hallway with two older men. Peter pulls Ned aside and starts to freak out. These must me the men with the weapons. Peter follows them down to the shop, Ned staying behind. I quickly leave the school, knowing that I actually had to pack.

Nova ended up coming over, she almost fainted while meeting Dad. It was a long night that Nova ended up staying over. Not that she didn't bring all of her stuff for the weekend over 'just in case.'

"I can't believe your dad won't let Peter go to Nationals." Nova says while taping up a box.

I drop the tape I was holding. "Ugh, can was please stop talking about Peter? And my dad didn't say he couldn't. Peter chose to stay back."

Nova scrunched her eyebrows. "You're telling me your dad never said Peter had to stay back?"

I sigh, "That's what I said." I label the box that Nova had finished taping, 'shorts.'

Nova sighs too. "I know you don't want to talk about Peter, but you have to. He's your soulmate and you won't even talk to him. Yeah, he said some real shit, but you know he was just angry."

"But that's the thing Nova. I say a lot of truthful shit when I'm angry. It may not feel like it right away, but it does in the end." I blow a piece of dark brown hair out of my face. 

"Well make it not true dammit." Nova crosses her arms and I raise my eyebrows. "You have full control of whether his statement comes true or not. Show him that it's not fate that Liz come back, but an obstacle."

I put my face into my hands. "Believe or not Nova, but I've tried talking to him, I just get too scared. I just need the time to be perfect. Or something."

"Wait," Nova leans forward anxious for me to answer her question she's about to ask, "you like Peter Parker. For real?"

"Ugh Nova. I don't know." My face turns a bright shade of red.

"Oh my gosh Oaklynn!" she throws a pillow at my face. "You do!"

"Shut up Nova!" I throw the pillow back in her face.

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