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When Jimin sent me his work address, I expected to stay at the lobby while he got out of work with his co-workers. The waiting at the lobby still happened though but the one who greeted me was his secretary. She told me to wait at first, and before I could be swallowed up by my curiosity onto why he had a secretary, I instead took time to check the place.

I kept roaming around because there was too much to see. The displays were grand, some abstract paintings here and there. The view at this floor was also magnificent, overlooking the whole city. There was a mirror at the side, and I saw my reflection. I was merely wearing some jeans and the blouse I found on top of my clothes. My appearance made me look out of place.

I almost jumped when the secretary called for me all of a sudden. I saw her snicker until she told me that Jimin wanted me to come in. I mumbled a word of gratitude before walking towards the door she opened for me.

As soon as I entered, I saw Jimin with all his glory. Unlike his messy bed hair in the morning, his black locks were swept back. He was also wearing some light cream long sleeves and slacks. I gulped as my mouth involuntarily salivated. Then my gaze fell to the old man beside him who had just met my gaze.

"Good day," I greeted the old man.

Jimin turned to me and beamed as he said, "You're here."

He walked towards me and suddenly, he leaned in to plant a kiss on my cheek.

I froze for a moment before throwing him a questioning glare.

Then, he leaned in again and out of reflex, I dodged him, thinking he would kiss me again. But then, I realized that he was actually aiming for my ear as he talked in a whisper.

"Play along," he told me with threatening eyes.

I was about to complain on how he was glaring at me but his words had caught me off-guard for the second time in a span of two minutes.

"Dad, this is my girlfriend," Jimin spoke, "Dahyun, this is my father."

I widened my eyes before turning to him but then, he mouthed, 'Play along.'

"It's nice meeting you, Dahyun, dear," Mr. Park spoke, extending his hand.

I secretly glowered at Jimin one more time before accepting the offered hand and returning the smile that Mr. Park had flashed at me. Then I replied, "It's nice meeting you too, Sir."

"Sir? Please call me Dad," Mr. Park continued beaming, "I'd like you to be comfortable with Jimin's family. You'd soon be part of the family too."

Part of the family? Ha. He already thinks I'd be marrying his son.

Despite the panic rising inside my chest, I continued smiling, "Yes, Dad."

"I'm afraid that I have to leave though," Mr. Park said then winked as he added, "Plus I don't want to steal the time you have for each other."

"I thought we could eat together," Jimin whispered and when I looked at him, I saw the sadness in his gaze.

"I'm sorry, Son, but I have to get going," Mr. Park apologized, "I'm sure Dahyun could keep accompany you for lunch."

"Y-Yes. Of course," I nodded.

"Ah! That's right!" Jimin exclaimed, "I made Dahyun cook for us. I want you to taste her cooking. Maybe you could bring it with you instead."

As if on cue, I brought out the tupperware from my paper bag and handed it to Mr. Park. I saw how the corner of his lips tugged into a smile before he started thanking me.

"I can't remember the last time someone cooked especially for me," Mr. Park said, "Well, except for the maids, of course."

I said nothing as my gaze went to and fro Mr. Park and Jimin. Like father, like son – getting all melted with a simple gesture. Just how deprived are they of home-cooked food? They are the living testimonies of how the old saying is still true – the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

We then bid each other farewell and then Jimin excused himself, telling me to wait in his office as he walked his father to the elevator.

Great. Another round of waiting. Jimin should be paying me for every minute that he would keep me idle.

As I was left alone, I inspected his office which was as simple, minimalist and clean as his unit. Then my gaze fell to his table where there was a wood with his name carved and on the bottom of it was the title 'Vice-President.'

"I didn't know I'm dealing with someone big time," I told myself.

No wonder he could afford his luxurious condo unit.

Bored, I tried to make myself comfortable at his swiveling chair and when he took longer than I expected, I started playing with the chair, dragging it around the office, pretending that I was in a bump car. I spun round and round, sliding here and there and for a moment, I felt like I was back to the youthful me.

I beamed as I closed my eyes and spun the chair again.

But even before I could savor the moment further, a hand stopped my playtime and I found myself scowling at Jimin.

"You're enjoying too much," he smirked at me.

"I didn't know you were a chaebol," I accused him as I stood up.

"I didn't find the need to tell you," he retorted.

"If you're this rich, why still make me pay?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"No one's going to get rich if they just give away $10,000," he replied, mimicking my gesture as he also crossed his arms over his chest, "Money does not grow from trees. They're worked hard for."

I then unfolded my arms and started dragging his chair back into place as I replied, "I didn't know we are dating too."

He sighed before speaking, "I needed someone to introduce to my father just as much as you needed someone to introduce to your ex."

"Why pretend?" I questioned.

I watched him as he struggled with his hesitation before he released a sharp breath and confessed, "I've never dated someone before and now, the gossips that I'm gay have reached my family."

There was silence at first between the two of us before my laughter resonated in the whole room. Jimin didn't join me in my chortles and instead glared at me for the whole time. I laughed so hard to the point that tears had already formed at the corner of my eyes.

"Are you done?" he uttered.

"Wait. Just one more," I teased him before faking a chortle, "Hahaha. Okay. I'm done."

"So, are you up for it?" he asked, and I knew he was trying to redirect the conversation.

"Up for what?" I probed.

"Let's be a couple on cue," he suggested.

My mouth gaped as I exclaimed, "What?!"

Jimin replied, "Let's pretend to be dating every time the need arises. It'll be mutually beneficial for the both of us for the next ten months that we're stuck with each other."

AN: The fun starts here? Hahahaha. Please leave a comment and vote!

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