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I'm at work, and I am staring at the screen of my laptop.

We've been grouped to create content for special events, and as if the universe is mocking me, I've been assigned to the Valentines team.

It's still months before Valentines, hell, I think it's half-a-year before the event, but we just have to start early. Somehow, my workplace believes that it's best to incubate ideas so they assign task too early.

I actually have no issues in being given tasks way, way, way before the deadline; actually, it's pretty helpful in planning ahead.

But the idea of me with Valentines does not really sit well.

I've hated that day for the past two years – probably my second most dreaded event next to reunions. It's the day where couples flaunt their love life, being too sweet to each other to the point that I think I'd have diabetes. It's the day where businesses capitalize on people's feelings. It's the day where the world feeds the illusion that forever is a feasible concept.

It's the day where I feel the loneliest.

I immediately closed the Chrome window where I have been searching about Valentines. My eyes are hurting from seeing too much hearts and flowers.

I looked around and noticed that my officemates are packing up. When I looked at the clock, I realized that office hours have ended. I sighed in relief and started fixing my things as well; I still have a lot to pay to Jimin but I don't intend to work overtime for today especially when I'd be working with the idea of Valentines.

Besides, the payment for pretending to be Jimin's girlfriend should be enough to pay my debt in time.

Speaking of the devil?

I stopped in my tracks as I spotted Jimin in front of our office. He noticed me too and waved in my direction. I immediately rushed towards him.

"Why did you not call beforehand?"

"Should you not greet me 'hello' for starters?" he replied.

"I would have said 'hello' on the phone," I retorted.

He shrugged, "I knew you were working so I didn't want to disturb you."

"Did you wait for me, then?" I asked.

"Not for long," he shook his head.

"So why are you here?"

"Fetching you," he beamed before opening the car door for me.

I furrowed my eyebrows before saying, "I don't believe that you'd pull this stunt just to take me home."

"Who says we're going to your house?" Jimin replied, "It's my turn to show you to the places that make me happy."

I squinted at him in a questioning manner, but he then put a hand on my back as he gave me a slight push towards the car.

"Just get in," he said, and I obliged.

He then started driving and to my surprise, he turned the radio on, to drown the white noise between us.

I stared at him, somehow uneasy, that he planned a trip because he felt miserable once more and I couldn't help but wonder what made him hurt again.

"Are you okay?" I asked in a whisper.

"I've never been better," Jimin replied and I heard nothing but honesty in his words. He glanced at me with a beam as he said, "We'll just enjoy this night. Nothing that involves heart breaks."

I smiled back but then, I spotted his hands on the steering wheel which still had the purple nail polish I had put on him. I teased, "Purple really looks good on you."

Til Debt Do Us PartWhere stories live. Discover now