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I found myself worrying for Jimin every now and then, and thus my work was continuously disrupted as I would check on him from time to time.

I would never forget the horror on his face as he was butchering a pig or the disgust in his look when blood has spurt in his apron. Surely, he was not well-versed with manual labor for Sungmin has told me how my father would often scold Jimin for doing something wrong.

I thought my father would spare him after that pig incident, but then, he was also brought by my father outside, to accompany him in getting some squids. It was night when they came back and Jimin was obviously inexperienced in the job evidenced by the amount of mud covering him compared to that seemingly clean appearance of my father.

"Who's that?" my mother asked, after realizing that Jimin was now dining with my father. It was only the two of them who had not eaten dinner for the rest of us had already eaten our meal.

I took time to think. How should I answer? I didn't know myself how I should label Jimin. He was technically not my ex-boyfriend.

"A friend," I answered for it was the safest reply that I could give.

"He's a very good-looking friend," my mother commented as he stared at Jimin.

"Mom," I complained, "Stop ogling."

"Are you getting jealous with your mom right now? I thought he's just a friend?" my mother bombarded me.

"I know where that look is going," I uttered, for I knew that she would be pairing me up with Jimin sooner or later, "And it's a no."

"Come on. Is he single?" mother kept asking.

I grunted and rolled my eyes in return.

"Ayeeee. Come on and tell me," my mother urged, "So I can choose who I should pair you up with tomorrow."

"Why would you pair me with anybody tomorrow?" I questioned, "All the males there would be my relatives."

"Except this guy – "

"Jimin," I told her his name.

"Yes. Except Jimin and Jungkook so I should know who I would choose between them," my mother answered nonchalantly.

I widened my eyes, "You invited Jungkook?!"

"Why not? He's single and you're single!"

"Mom!" I screeched.

"And besides, your aunts would ask if you're single because they're very concerned if you'd grow old alone," my mother continued.

Giving up with the conversation, I gave an exasperated sigh and left my mother. I then went to the living room in order to start with sticking this year's family reunion logo to the souvenirs and soon, Sungmin joined me in doing so.

I thought that Jimin would be free after dinner but then, my father kept him occupied as they built the mini stage. Some part of me wished that Jimin would just faint so that my father could leave him alone.

When we were done with the souvenirs, I proceeded on sorting the shirts, and that was the only time that I realized that Sungmin has already fallen asleep on the floor. Considerate enough, I chose for my brother to have some rest as I told him to go to his room.

I thought that I would be burning the night's oil alone but I was soon accompanied by Jimin.

I squinted at him, and he said, "What? Your father told me to sleep here."

"Sorry but you can't turn off the lights until I'm done," I answered before focusing on the shirts before me, "Don't try to help and just get some rest."

"Who said I'm helping you?" he asked, "I'm well-spent already."

I almost forgot that I was resting my back on the longest sofa until Jimin lay on it, and thus being in close proximity with me.

I heard him give a long yawn before saying, "This is the most tiresome day I have ever had."

"You should have never come here," I replied.

"But I missed you," Jimin answered.

I paused, as I heard my heart thump louder.

I tried to redirect the conversation and said, "Seems like my father hates you."

"He started hating me the moment I said I am your boyfriend," he replied.

I muttered, "You're crazy."

"Crazy for you," he retorted.

I threw him a glare but then realized that he already had his eyes closed, with a smile playing on his lips.

And at that moment, I was captivated again.

I looked away for I knew that the little progress I had would be obliterated if I stare at him longer. I then chose to remain silent, for I knew how Jimin played with words too well – too well that my heart was willing to beat for him again.

Yet after some moments, I asked him, "Why did you come?"

As I was answered with nothing, I looked at him but then found him sleeping. I sighed, for I knew that he had too much to handle that day. I took a blanket and draped it over him.

But when I woke up in the morning, I found that blanket on me instead.


AN: Short because we are delaying its end. Char. Last three updates!

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