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Jimin took me to a five-star restaurant and my grip on his arm tightened as we entered the prestigious place. As I walk, I felt like I was becoming smaller and smaller. The attendant guided us to the table where his father was waiting, along with a woman whom I presume was Jimin's mother.

I gulped as I looked at my reflection at one of the big mirrors. We're not dating for real but nevertheless, anxiety was starting to eat me whole for I knew I would be quality checked.

"Don't worry," Jimin whispered, putting his hand over mine, "You're great."

You're great.

Not 'you look beautiful.'

Not 'you're perfect' as well.

It was like he was telling me that I'd be loved for whoever I am – regardless of how I look and regardless of my flaws that I am insecure of.

I don't know if those words were merely to appease me but it worked nonetheless.

He introduced me to his mother who seemed like one of those elegant mothers in Korean dramas except that she looked kinder. She gave me a smile and I found myself beaming back, mesmerized.

"Food's here," Mr. Park spoke, "Let's start eating, shall we?"

"How about hyung?" Jimin asked.

He has a brother? He didn't tell me that.

"Running late as always," Mrs. Park replied, "Food would get cold if we wait for him. He was also the one who suggested we start. He didn't want the newest part of our family to be bored."

They really consider me as part of the family. I don't know if I should find that sweet or threatening.

The sumptuous meal before me was mouth-watering. It was all sea food! I think this is the best place I've been on Earth. Unknowingly, I started digging in, filling my plate. Then, I just realized that they were all staring at me for I looked like I haven't eaten for a week.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"That's fine," Mrs. Park chuckled, "I just haven't seen someone for so long who enjoyed food as much as you do. It's fun having meals with people like you."

Mr. Park commented, "She cooks the best too."

"No. You're too kind," I shook my head.

"I wish I have time to learn how to cook," Mrs. Park stated, "I'm not really good with kitchen things. I'm better at offices than I am with homes."

That's why Jimin and Mr. Park haven't tasted home-cooked meals. Mrs. Park was too busy conquering the world as well.

"That's fine," I answered, "Women shouldn't be defined by their skills at home. We can excel in various fields."

"You're right," Mrs. Park beamed, "But nonetheless, I feel like I should've at least cooked for them for once. I wish I had your skills."

"And I wished I had your prowess as an executive," I retorted.

The both of us beamed at each other and in silence, we communicated that our difference made us beautiful.

The conversation went by as Jimin planned. I told them where I graduated and where I was working. Jimin and I agreed that we met each other because of my work where I had to interview him as one of the young executives for tips on how to be successful. Fortunately, they didn't ask about the article.

Then, suddenly, we were halted by two more people who approached the table.

One was a gorgeous male, tall, fair and holding his arm was a woman who could pass as a goddess for her looks. Then, I realized she was one of the most famous models I was following in Instagram.

"Dahyun, this is my brother, Hyungsik," Jimin introduced, "And his girlfriend, Myoui Mina."

"Minari," I mumbled.

She giggled, "That's how the rest of the world calls me."

I found myself just beaming at her the whole time. She was one of the most beautiful women I have ever met in my entire life. I was in awe.

Then, I glanced at Jimin and in his gaze, I found love and longing.

From the way that he stole glances at her that whole night, I then learned that Myoui Mina was the girl that had long occupied Jimin's heart.


AN: I know nothing about how BuzzFeed's workplace is so please don't take anything seriously. I intend no misrepresentation. Hahahuhu. Hope you liked Jungkook's appearance in the last chapter. I think he'd be appearing more often since he already moved closer to Dahyun??? And more of Jimin's family too? But of course, lots of Dahmin. Haha. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please do comment and upvote! Thank you!

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