the raid trip

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I was in my royal palace,more specifically my bedroom preparing my luggage for the raid trip as I was putting on clothes that some rich people gifted me as an offering,so I was preparing my stuff for the trip

"So what is this raid trip?"asked the marauder who was with me the whole time

"It's a trip where we go to kill a giant threat to some area,the one to defeat it will get a large sum of money"i explained

"And what will you do?"asked the marauder

"I'll just stay back,it's the safest thing for me to do after all"i said putting in my hygienics

"You know emperor,I will most likely be chased by all the empire for saying this but...

You are weak and a coward"he said as i stopped,i wasn't mad of course


"You have the ability to become stronger,have the strength to move a thousand lands at once

All the equipment that anyone would ask for

You could even make the four remaining goddesses kneel before you

Yet you still decide to let yourself be stepped on by the likes of that boy"

"Because that's what my mother would want"i lied

I just didn't have any purpose in becoming stronger

"my emperor you are lying,I do not need to be present to know that your mother would have never wanted this

I am ready to assume that she pressed you into becoming stronger more than your studies

She wanted you to be balanced"

"HOW CAN YOU BE SO SURE!!??WHY SHOULD I GET STRONGER?!"I shouted as I got mad that he decided to bring up my mother


Every single day countless battles are fought!!

Millions of lives are lost

But they stand strong!!

Because they still believe that their emperor will come back!!

All they need to see is just him doing a small feat!!let it even be kill a bug!!

If they were to sacrifice themselves at least give them a purpose to do so!

Let them be appeased knowing that their families are in good hands with their emperor!!

But what good will talking to a cowardly child do to our people"he said before storming off

I was trying to reach for my framed picture of me and my mother on my nightstand as I was looking at the door the marauder left through but I didn't feel anything

I turned around to see nothing there,but then I looked at my luggage to find it there,I didn't remember putting it there yet

I grabbed it and looked at my mother

I sat down on my bed as I looked at my framed picture.
"I can't fight,I can't use that mud

It already took you from me

Who knows how many people can die from it"i said looking down before deciding to finish up packing my things

I left my room ready to go out

As soon as I arrived I saw everyone ready to bid me farewell

"GOODBYE EMPEROR!!!WE WISH YOU A HAPPY TRIP!!!"shouted the space marines

I smiled

"Thanks guys I really appreciate it"i thanked them

"How long will you be away for?"asked taihou

"Possibly three or four days at most"i said as she nodded and i finally left

After walking for a while i finally arrived at school

Hannah and shadow were waiting for me

"There you are boyfriend"greeted me shadow

"Don't call me that"i said

"He obviously like ME more~"said hannah as she attacked me with her breasts

We heard the engines of many buses ready to go and a private van as black S and his gang walked in there while we had to crowd in with the rest of the people there as we were crowded and the trip was seven hours until we reach our hotel were near it by twenty kilometers is the monster we need to slay

And tomorrow is going to be the day I will confess to renka


It's only 11PM,why am I tired?

Anyways you all know the drill

Also just gonna put this here

Also just gonna put this here

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