the battle that set everything in motion

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Arkhaon PoV:

Right now Y/n was flying through a portal to the warp to kill the warp gods once and for all

And I couldn't help but think of the fight that brought this on


It was over thousands of years ago,the war had started due to a concern of the world leaders due to my growing strength and the expansion of my empire which grew to be about half of the known world,and because of this war ensued

On what part,it was just me

And on the other part was the rest of the planet earth,the warp gods and their armies and the species from space

Adding to that the fact that the five goddesses were after me

And because I was slowly winning I have been called out to a duel by the goddess who created the world

The black witch or in other words

My mother

And so I took the challenge as I was now in the wasteland that is the ruins of the city that first fell victim to the war between us and in front of me was the black witch

"Arkhaon this is your last chance to surrender and to give up on the lands you have stolen and perhaps we might forgive you for the slaughter of the thousands of gods you have committed"she spoke in a formal tone

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"Arkhaon this is your last chance to surrender and to give up on the lands you have stolen and perhaps we might forgive you for the slaughter of the thousands of gods you have committed"she spoke in a formal tone

"As if I'll go down that easily"i responded

Her expression softened

"Arkhaon please stop this madness it has no meaning at all"she Pleaded me

"I'm sorry mother but I can't"

"Why is that?I can bring the gods back to life!"she said

"My people depend on me,I bear all of their Hope's for a better future against the discrimination that they lived through against the people under the gods rule

And I have freed them from that darkness and promised them a glorious future"

"Is there no way to end this conflict?"

"There is

Give me control over the entirety of planet earth as it's sole emperor,one man to rule the world"i said

"That's impossible!"she said

Then a red scythe appeared ready for the fight

"Then die"i said

A bow appeared in her hands

"Know that I never wanted things to go this way"she said 

I didn't respond however and instantly went to battle


After days of fighting,our battle had covered  around 20% of the world's surface rendering it uninhabitable

I had severe wounds such as a missing hand and eye,big open wounds in the side of my chest and legs

While mother had few of those

"Looks like I'll have to bet everything in this one shot"i said as my fist started to burst into fire of black and white

"Looks like I'll have to bet everything in this one shot"i said as my fist started to burst into fire of black and white

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I then flew towards her at high speed as I then shouted


She then created several shields in front of her

My attack already got blocked by the first shield

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My attack already got blocked by the first shield

But I pushed through it

Again and again

'Something feels wrong

This feels too easy now,she was beating me up just days ago'

And then I noticed that smile she had in her face

A smile that signified that she let me win

And then

My burning fist then pierced through her small body resulting in an enormous explosion

Next thing I knew I was holding her as her life was fleeting way

"Why?why?!WHY DID YOU NOT PROTECT YOURSELF!?"I asked her as I also felt myself slowly die bit by bit

She coughed as she put her hand on my cheek

"W-what kind of mother would I be If I killed my own child?*cough*I just couldn't bring myself to kill you,above all else I am your mother"

"No don't die on me!!!"

"It's okay arkhaon,it's time for me to rest"she said as she still had a smile in her face but her hands lost all strength and dropped away from my cheek

I dropped her as tears ran down my face as I slowly walked away noticing the other goddesses approaching

The white goddess then shot an arrow at me

And that was how I died.

If anything I am the cause for all the anomalies that have happened and will happen


As I was inside of Y/n who was going to fight the warp gods I had just one thing planned

See if he wanted to revive mother or not which I hope he won't

Because her being reborn will spell disaster on the entire world/existence

So in the end everything depends on his decision and his alone

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