the beginning of the end

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"What?"I asked as I didn't hear her well the first time as I thought I was still too shocked from my fight with sarah

"The goddesses,they found them dead on the floor someone somehow managed to kill them!"said shadow

I didn't hesitate a second and dropped sarah as I started to run all the way to their main office I heard renka and other friends of mine call for me yet I paid them no mind and kept on running as fast as I could as lightning appeared around my body which took me to their office in a second which in the way there was full of people

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY WAY!!!"I shouted as using the space stone I pushed everyone out of the doorway and with the back hand motion kicked everyone out of the room

Shadow was telling me the truth

They were dead,their lifeless bodies on the ground with blood drenching their always beautiful and pure clean dresses

[They're not dead]


[It's the same thing that happened to you,they are gods without divinity someone took their divinity away from them,besides the only way for a true god to die would be if every single atom of their being was destroyed or if their souls was destroyed as well]

"Does that mean....?"I asked as my friends started to appear


I took a deep breath as I looked at my hands and back to the goddesses

They took care of me and made sure I was handled carefully,they protected me despite being their past enemy

It's time to pay back my debt

I bit in my thumb as black liquid started leaking

I put it over all of their exposed wounds

The wounds slowly started to close bit by bit

I then felt a chill run down my spine as I looked up,this didn't feel normal,something else was going on

But my thoughts were interrupted by the red virago coughing as the first traces of life followed by her slowly opening her eyes

I couldn't believe it as I instantly hugged her

"You know kid,waking up with the feeling of being strangled and then actually being strangled isn't the best feeling in the whole world"she said as I then let go of her as the other goddesses started to wake up

"What?how am I alive?"asked the blue queen

"Kyubey came out of nowhere and stabbed us"followed the yellow mother

"OH NO!!"shouted the white goddess

"What's wrong?"I asked her


"Huh?why?!and there are people over here!!"

"Y/n,you realized that don't you?we have lost our divinity,there are three gods present here other than us but there are others"she said giving me a hint

[.....holy shit.....]

The warp gods

The warp gods started this entire thing

I then ran out of the room

"Tell luna to show you the way!!!"I shouted as instead of running there I instantly made a portal which took me immediately to the entrance to my castle as I walked in the cave and as usual it would get darker and darker so that I would be greeted by the shining lights of the castle

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