what is with this lost sassy child? [luna special]

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After coming back from saving mizuki me and the group all went out again to go eat although the entire time shadow was clinging to my arm not letting go of me as it felt completely numb and luna went ahead for some reason

After arriving to a restaurant we noticed luna was there waiting for us with tamamo no mae and they had with them a young girl with tanned skin and white hair along with red eyes

"Ah there you are guys we've been waiting for you"said luna looking nervous

I took a seat as shadow was still clinging onto me

"What do you guys want to eat?"asked luna

Everyone looked at the menu as i ordered a hamburger

"MAKE IT DOUBLE!!!"shouted shadow as we all stood there in silence

Tamamo seemed to notice this

"Uhmm,hey altera sweety why don't you come with me so we can pick the drinks for everyone?"she asked

"But I want to stay with mommy"said altera

"It's okay altera I'm not going anywhere"reassured her luna as the girl halfheartedly left with tamamo

I then looked back at her

"Mommy huh?"

"You're the last person I want to hear this from!!!"she remarked

"So that explains why you looked nervous yesterday and were stealing food from the hotel"said hannah

"YOU SAW ME?!"asked luna

"And why you moved out of our room"said red B

"So What's the deal?you know you can't hide things from us we're friends!"I said in a cheerful tone

"""You're one to talk"""replied everyone except hannah,rimuru and shadow referencing alys

"L-let's get it over with shall we?"I asked luna

She sighed

"It all started the day after Y/n dissapeared"she said

(For context these [ ] will be used whenever Y/n will talk)

+++++++++flashback luna PoV+++++++++

I was in my room ready to go on a date with tamamo mae who became my lover

[Wow I can see how much you care about me]

me and tamamo were going to go outside enjoying ourselves on our date before my father summoned me

"Luna come through this conveniently placed portal,there is someone you need to meet"said tsukuyomi

I looked at tamamo

"What's the worse that can happen?"asked tamamo

[I don't know forgetting your friend who was stuck in a hellscape?]

'Let me do my flashback in peace!!'

We then both stepped in the portal which took us to the royal room as the three tamashii gods welcomed us

"Welcome my daughter..."greeted me my father as he then looked around

"...those two kids aren't here right?the red haired girl and the hat wearing one"asked us my father

"No they are not father"

"Good the last thing I need are two brats making a mess here"

[I know someone I'm visiting after all this crap is over with]

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