the emperor has...

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I was in the schools hospital in bed covered in bandages as I saw taihou talking with one of the nurses telling her that she will be taking care of me from now on

"So you can tell the goddesses that their help was much appreciated but the household will take it from here"she said as the nurse left the room

Then taihou looked at me and hugged me

"Thank you I was so worried about Y/n!"

She said Y/n

No one in the empire ever called me that

It feels weird

"What happened?"she asked me

Then I remembered what I needed to do

"Taihou can you do something as my secretary?"

"But of course,this is my reason to live!"she said

"Good now hear me out

I want you to let everybody,by that I don't mean the capital planet but everyone in the entire continent,no matter if it's in a battlefield or in the farthest places that we have just discovered

I want everyone to listen and see what I'm about to do this night"i said


"Just do it"

"Aren't you coming back?"she asked me

"Not yet,I have people to talk to"i said

She Nodded as she bowed and left the room

'I hope I can do it' I said as I then looked at the mirror that I had in front of me

I looked at the sash that was still in my head,i removed it once to see what was the big deal

And i saw those blue dragon like wings that came out of the sides of my head

'I really need to find a way to hide it'i said

Then all of a sudden the two red haired sisters came storming through the doorway

"Y/N!!"they shouted as they hurried by my side as hannah buried my head in her chest

"We were so worried!"said hannah

"Sorry I worried you guys"i said

"How did you survive that heat and that fight between luna crescent and the giant monster?!we could feel the heat from the bus!!"said shadow

"I have my ways"i said as I noticed something that shadow was carrying

"Oh that?it's something we made for you,both me and hannah wanna see?" asked me shadow as I nodded

She rummaged through the bag until she pulled out a half sewed hat

She rummaged through the bag until she pulled out a half sewed hat

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