the raid of the year

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All the students that were going on the raid were on a cruise ship preparing themselves for the battle as they were checking their weapons and making sure they were in good condition for battle as non other than the popular spiritual hero tamamo mae was explaining the situation

"Listen up everyone!!this is an important mission this time you need to make sure to not only to keep the nuclear powerplant safe but also to defeat all the grimm monsters in the area!now then did I make myself clear?"she asked as everyone nodded she then started to look around

'Where's that kid?'she asked as she looked around as her eyes layed on luna

"Husband where is your little friend?"she asked as luna blushed on the nickname as she pointed at the door that lead to the main cabin as she saw two children in the corner squatting

"What are they doing?"she asked

"Hell if I know yesterday the red virago brought them to the hotel room as they had completely passed out,and whenever someone of the opposite gender approached them they would just run away"she said as her sister besides her looked like she was going insane with her eyes twitching

"What's with you?you look as bad as they look"she said

"I couldn't bury y/n's face in my chest,I feel like I could crush a boulder,I couldn't sleep all night because of that"she explained as finally the boat docked and they started to leave it as the other two boys didn't move from their spot

They walked on the island

"Here's the powerplant"remarked mizuki who was wearing a revealing outfit to make her sister renka jealous

"Yeah but salem is nowhere to be seen"remarked black S but then the ground started shaking as everyone were beginning to feel as if something was going to come out under their feet and then out of the ground though fortunately away from them

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"Yeah but salem is nowhere to be seen"remarked black S but then the ground started shaking as everyone were beginning to feel as if something was going to come out under their feet and then out of the ground though fortunately away from them

The ground started to rise as a black figure was coming out of the ground surrounded by a black sea and as it rose more and more it became clearer as to what it was

The ground started to rise as a black figure was coming out of the ground surrounded by a black sea and as it rose more and more it became clearer as to what it was

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