infinite chaos vs perfect chaos

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right in front of renka with a smile on his face was non other than y/n with his skin covered in blue glowing markings and his eyes shining with a blue light

"Y/n"renka couldn't believe what she was seeing now

Y/n was right in front of her bursting with energy rivaling the goddesses

"Hey I think you have something that belongs to me"he said

She was startled as she the Pulled out his hat,he stepped into the icy ground as he put it back on

"Is that really you?"

"And with rechargeable batteries!"he joked (no I didn't steal this joke from BlastBurnBlitz 100%original)

"Y/n,listen I have so many things I want to tell you and apologize for,I've been a real b-"

"Aordy renka but we need to leave this for after the fight,because If i can't stop that robot right now no one can or will"he said as he then grabbed her


"I'm taking you to the others it's not safe here"he said as he created a portal teleporting them away to the others

Everyone gasped in shock as,they saw Y/n

"Don't worry this match is as good as finished"he said as he then dissapeared

"We can't let him go alone!he'll get crushed!that robot is capable of fighting toe to toe with the red virago!"said artoria

"Call it suicide"said tamamo vitch who went to check on her disciple

Gilgamesh just watched Y/n fly away

"Hmph,you better not disappoint me"he muttered to himself

++++++++++++++Y/n PoV++++++++++++

Meanwhile i got back to the island as he faced metal Y/n as there was nothing but silence in the entire area

'So arkhaon,what can you tell me?'

"I got bad news for you pal,he has control over the powers of the six stones and many of the strongest spiritual heroes"said arkhaon hiding under my hat

"And us?"

"That's the best part we have an infinite amount of energy,which is different than the power stone"

"In other words?"

"Go nuts kid"

metal Y/n started his attack as he instantly appeared in front of me to punch me which was blocked with another punch from me which completely destroyed his arm and collided with his face sending him flying and crashing into an iceberg

I looked at my fist,normally I would have felt the energy leaving my body

It's almost like I pulled a regular punch

"Watch out he's coming back!"warned me arkhaon as I created a sword out of energy and cut him in two pieces horizontally and not only that but also sliced all the ice in front of us as well

But he wasn't done as he then kicked my head which only pushed me back a little bit

I went for a punch as it was met with his

"All this strength,I can't believe it!"I said in utter shock of myself but then I felt a spike of power

[Fusion of all the acquired energy

Disabling regenerative activities

Enabling infinity shield

Increasing output of all the acquired to them maximum]

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