why is the ball at the north pole?

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Luna was currently preparing herself to leave and by taking all of her luggage and to leave as she looked around her room

'Guess this is my home now'she thought as she then stepped out of her room to see her parents who were about to knock

"Mom?dad?what is it?"she asked them

Yoruichi then spoke

"We wanted to have your opinion if you would like to be transferred here and out of midgard academy because of all the things happening"

Luna smiled as he parents worried

"It's okay I'm safe there,we have the goddesses to watch out for us and Y/n is there as well"

"But you saw his state at the moment,who knows what will happen and from what renka told us the thing that did this to him might still be out there roaming around the world,he might even attack during the ball"said tsukuyomi worried for his daughter

"Don't worry dad,we have all the spiritual heroes there with us nothing can go wrong"

"You don't know how cursed this sentence is"warned her tsukuyomi

"It's okay I promise"she said as she then hugged them

Tsukuyomi smiled

"Good now go get renka,you two must leave now"said tsukuyomi as Luna nodded and left her newfound parents once again

As she arrived at the hallway that had Y/n's room in it she decided to check on her small friend one final time

As she opened the door which made a creaking noise she was greeted with a crucible sword right under her chin as the doomslayer was about to cut her head

"Sorry won't make a noise"she whispered

She then noticed renka who was sleeping on another bed right in front of Y/n as behind her was a broken wall

'The doomslayer must have made her a place to sleep in'she thought as she looked at the doomslayer smiling

He then pulled out a shotgun on her as she quickly left

"Well that was something,but at least he's as safe as he can be" said luna as she left to the gardens where tamamo was waiting for her

"Are you ready?"she asked her as she held her hand

Luna nodded smiling

"And away we go!"she said as with her magic she teleported them away

Meanwhile in the room where Y/n was sleeping,renka was laying on her bed aware of the fact that luna came to visit Y/n

She got out of her bed and approached Y/n as she noticed something on his nightstand,a framed picture

She picked it up to see what it was about

It was Y/n who didn't have his hat and was sitting with a beautiful woman who looked like she was in her early twenties with jet black hair and purple eyes as they both looked really happy with each other

"So that's his mother"she said as a singular tear rolled down her cheek

How could she mock his mother like that?and she could bet that the time she said that insult was just a little bit of time after her passing

And he still helped her and gave her a second chance

She then looked at his hat that she had in her hands as she held tightly

She then looked back at the doomslayer who was sitting there

"I need to go find a way to save him"she said as he simply nodded

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