....returned (and the ninja as well)

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I was in the school's arena a place where students fought to decide who was the strongest in fights until one passes out,this has always been a giant bloodfest despite

I never went to that place mainly because I wasn't fit for battles at the time,i didn't have a good aim,or good reflexes which made my black mud basically useless

But now,i had these new powers that from what ratinus told me came from the stones in the gauntlet I destroyed


I was with ratinus in his lab as he showed me an x-ray of my body before and after awakening the stone's power

"As you can see my lord,this is your body before absorbing the stone's power,it has no abnormalities,totally normal for a human body,though I can see a few additional fats in your body"he remarked as I looked down blushing

"And this is your present body,fortunately with less fat and you can see here the traces of rainbow going through your veins

Though you can mostly the blue as it is the power you have awakened,the space stone

But you can also see a few hints of other colors which goes hand in hand with the abilities you have unlocked

First are the energy blasts,they are the result of the mixing between the space and power stone but it only deals the damage of one of our lazee weapons but with slightly more damage

Then there is the weapon creating ability which stems from the reality stones,as you can probably see they aren't fully fledged weapons as they only have the necessities of weapons such as a sword and a shield with nothing more

The dashing ability which comes from the time stone as it speeds you up instead of slowing the people around you

Now for the mind and soul stones I still have no idea as you haven't been put in situation where you could use them

And of course the space stone itself which is the ability to warp through space itself and the ability to fly

Now can i ask you for a service my emperor?"he asked me as i was too happy about the whole NO MORE FAT thing


"I recommend that as soon as you discover a new power you come and tell me about it so that we can find a way to bring forth the true strength of all the stones"he said

"Okay,I hope that today's fight will help me"i responded

"Of course my emperor,I await your coming with a tail of how you so wonderfully will win this fight"

"You bet your bucket I am!"I shouted as I ran to get my school bag to go to school


In all honesty I felt confident in myself now,add to that the fact that I was given an amazing hat by my friends to hide the wings on my head

And then everyone started to cheer as the gate in front of me was opening and then firework started to going on all over the place


RED B!!!"shouted the referee as one of black S's lackeys appeared

RED B!!!"shouted the referee as one of black S's lackeys appeared

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