the mysterious beast

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I was scared,totally scared,not only was I abandoned but a giant monster jumped out of nowhere and was now glaring it me like I killed it's family

"W-who are you?"I asked the monster as no word was uttered and no sound was made as the platform I was standing on was then destroyed by white tentacles

I started making portals to stay in the air while looking for a place to stand on,but it wasn't done yet as from its mouth a giant beam came out and it nearly hit me had I not stopped making portals

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?!"I shouted as I waved it's giant arms at me

Dodging while making portals is a real issue I need to find a way to find a ground to stand on

I looked over to my right and saw a spot I could stand on but it was right,above the lava

'But I really need to stand somewhere or I'm definitely going to die!'

I got there and the hear was killing me,it's like that show where three adventurers went to a super hot brothel to eat meat out of a womans body

Except there were no women and most importantly no food

So just pure heat

Then golden rings appeared from behind it's back as they started shooting at my direction I panicked but I then thought of something

I created a portal to the trajectory that the blast was taking as it entered the portal and I created another one which fired the blast back at the monster which successfully hit it

"YES!!"I shouted as it didn't look hurt but more and more pissed as more started to fire

I was doing my best to keep up with his attacks as I mistakenly created two portals on top of each other which resulted in an energy blast that hit the monster head on and actually managed to leave a scratch

'It's better than nothing,and it also doesn't look like anyone's coming' I thought as I spaced out for a second and the giant swung down it's arm on me which made me fall too close to the lava

'CRAP I HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE'i thought in my mind as I started making portals as fast as I could trying to get away from there until something stranger happened

The next moment I was somewhere else and more or less behind him

"People say that we learn something new everyday but in my case it's more like i learn something every minute"i remarked as i finally had a an of attack

Hit and run

I would fire a beam of energy towards the monster in its blind spots and as soon as it would try to attack me i will dash away from it

But even then it wasn't doing too much damage to it as it was mostly angering it

"This isn't doing anything,I need to find a way to really hurt it otherwise"

As I was,thinking this I was then tangled by a white tentacle

It was trying to make it look like I had the upper hand to catch me off guard

It started to sway me around throughout the giant cave

"AAAHHHH!!"I screamed in agony as it then threw me one final time

I was bruised everywhere,I some broken ribs as well which made it hard to breathe

Then it stuck it's tentacles on the sides of the cave and it started to rise up

"This thing can fly?!"I shouted as I felt more gravity being forced onto me

'What is it doing?' I asked before I couldn't take anymore and collapsed on the floor

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