the hunt is on

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After the entire ordeal with alys and althea everything went back to normal,I was with luna and red B

"Well that happened"he said still not over what happened

"Yeah it's pretty normal for things like this to happen though,anyways I don't think we have school today so what brings you here?"I asked them

"Wait I have a question,when did red B know about this place?and your secret identity?"asked luna

"When we raided the tamashii kingdom,but don't worry he can easily keep the secret"

"What?!but I don't agree to this!black S could easily-"she was cut off by me pulling out my phone and calling someone on it

"Hey can you tell kuro that she has a few additional shifts today?"I said

"-not bribe him so he's a really trustworthy guy"

"Nevermind"i said before hanging up the phone

Red B decided we shouldn't dwell too much in that subject

"Anyways,the entire school is looking for you everywhere in the entire state"said red B

"Aww are they worried about me?"I asked

Luna pulled out her phone and showed me pictures of a doll in my appearance impaled and set on fire and people buying many of these dolls to either rip them to shreds or step on them

I didn't have anything to say except for...

"Can I sue them for copyright infringement?"I asked her

"Everyone hates you because they thought you ran away from the raid,and how they also wanted to see your powers for future fights"she said

"Well now I'm sure I have no chance with the triplets"

And then I saw pictures of buying dolls of a rather familiar looking white dragon as they were cuddling with it,hugging and loving it

"Why am I not surprised"i said as I gave her back her phone

"Anyways you need to find some kind of armor or something since tomorrow is the internship selection"said luna

"Intern what?"

"Internship,some students will have the chance to go to a spiritual hero to learn from their career,remember how we all got pieces?"

"Oh yeah,but I don't need to go there since I didn't get any pieces"i said

"They insisted that EVERYONE must be there,either they prepared something for you or they just want to see everyone beat you up"she said

I started thinking

What could possibly go wrong?

Then I started to see all the possible outcomes,nearly 14,000,605 using the time stones as I then gasped in shock

"Woah there buddy What's wrong?"asked red B

"I've checked over 14 million futures for the outcome of the coming day"

"And in how many did you survive?"asked luna

I stopped

"Uhh,you never find what you want in the first 14 million so let me go back"i said

"No it's okay,let's just be patient,besides your a god right?"asked luna

"More like a kid with the powers of a god"i responded

"Anyways Let's just hope they forget about it by tomorrow"said luna as we finally had a quiet moment but she once again

"And why's felicia here?"she asked

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