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"AAAHHH!!!"I screamed asi was brushed aside by the monster with just one hit to the side as it sent me crashing into a wall

'Crap what's with this guy?it has reflexes and speed beyond comprehension!'i thought to myself as i was slowly getting back up

'What's more,the other one hasn't done anything yet so I have to save up strength for it

My priority for now is to find an opening so I can touch it so it can eat'I thought as I got out of the wall and the monster went back on the offensive

It only took an instant for it to be right in front of me as I dodged it by a millimeter

'Now's my chance!!'

I then touched it's arm as my arm was letting out a black mist

I smiled

"Now you're as good as dead!"I shouted but something went wrong as even though,it's skin was decaying and melting and I could see the bones under it's flesh but it didn't stop it as it then grabbed my arm by the joints around the elbow as it tightened it's grip and I heard cracking sounds come from it

I let out an agonizing scream as it wasn't enough it twisted it at an irregular angle before it threw me away once again away past the hooded figure as I crashed flat on the ground

I was on the ground unable to get back back up because of the unbearable numbness I was experiencing,I couldn't feel my right arm anymore as it was all numb as if it wasn't a part of my body anymore

The monster than jumped as it landed right In front of me and brought it's hands up to finish me off

'Is this really how my life will end?crushed by a monster?

I'm surprised someone like me managed to live this long doing all sorts of things to myself and my body,I lived a life of both wealth and misery,always going along with what I was told to do,never doing what I wanted to do

I just hope my sisters will learn from what happened to me and live better lives

But what a shame,I really wanted to live a little bit more

But I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something'

And so the monster brought its hands down to finish me off as I closed my eyes to not witness it

But the finishing blow never came

I opened my eyes a little to see a blue flash which had kicked the monster in the face sending it crashing away

I finally remembered


He tried so many times to help me

He then turned to me with a worried look on his face

"Are you okay?are you hurt anywhere?"he asked me concerned

"W-why?"I asked him with a faint,shaking voice

He knew what I meant as he looked at out enemies

"I told you that I would save the three of you,now is anything broken?"I asked her

I showed him my broken arm

"Oh dear,let me help you"he said as he then helped me sit up

However his expression changed as he then jumped away from me as I looked at the other side and saw,the monster running towards him

He blocked a punch from the monster before kicking it's hands up and creating two portals overlapping each other which created a beam blowing the monster away

the kindest tyrantWhere stories live. Discover now