the blood moon

817 31 18

I was running through the thick forests straight to my castle holding hannah for dear life before something came falling down from the sky,it looked like a red shooting star

I dodged at the last moment as I waited for the dust to clear but I already knew who it was from the petite silhouette that could be made through the dust cloud

"Look y/n I know that hannah means a lot to you but she also means a lot to me too!we can figure this out together,we just need to bring her back to our school and ask the goddesses what to do"she said

As I looked at hannah who I was holding in my hands,I then felt something hit me really hard

I nearly took her to my palace,that fact alone could mean the destruction of my people seeing as how there are people who can read the minds of normal people,the only reason it doesn't work on Me was because I had the mind stone which rendered me immune to those attacks

I looked back at shadow and nodded

"You take her back and I'll join you after I check something"i said as she nodded

'How did I not notice the blood moon sooner?streets were all empty and all the doors closed

There was more security than usual

Even if it's two days behind,I feel like it'll come sooner than expected'I thought as I ran inside the cave


Salem,the creator of the grimm,was looking at a crystal ball as she was watching Y/n who was previously carrying hannah enter the cave

She then turned to kyubey who was floating besides her

"Are you sure you're okay with supplying the grimm with energy?the blood moon is only two days away"she said

"He will come after learning about the nature of the cure for his friend,this might actually be beneficial to you"he said

"But why him exactly?there are bigger threats like black S and his group who keep ruining my plans or even more

The goddesses"she said

Kyubey who was just looking at the cave Y/n entered through with an intense look and a drooling smile just said

"Trust me,if you knew the truth about the kid then you would completely ignore the goddesses"he said

"Give me a hint"she said

"He has a deep connection with the black witch"he said

Salem just looked at him with a bewildered look on her face

"You're not serious,I have known you for thousands of years and you joke many times,please tell me this is only one of those times"she said

But he was still looking at the picture that showed nothing but the cave intensely with an insane smile on his face

++++++++++++++Y/n PoV++++++++++++

I was running through my castle as I was making portals as well just so I could reach ratinus's lab faster

"RATINUS!!RATINUS WHERE ARE YOU?!"I shouted as I ran inside his lab

"W-w-w-w-what is it emperor?I have never seen you so alarmed before"he said coming out of the deeper layers of his laboratory panicking

"Ratinus give me a cure for a grimm infection right now!"I shouted

"I believe the first thing to do would be to calm down my emperor"

I turned around to see it was the marauder who said it

"I can't,one of my best friends is in danger I can't leave her like that or she'll die!"I said

"Do not worry emperor we can figure this out,ratinus do you have a cure?"he asked ratinus

"This is the problem we don't have one,for thousands of years we were so worried about the xenos we forgot about the medicines and they were thrown away seeing as how they ade practically useless"

"How can we get them back?"asked the marauder

"By killing as much grimm as possible,if I have a sample of every kind of grimm to exist then I will easily make a cure for it"he said

"Then I'll go back to school"i said as I left the castle


As I was flying towards midgard academy I  noticed there was no one outside

And when I got inside everyone was walking around with either their weapons ready or practicing their techniques or spells

I completely ignored it passing right by big G,who had the three sisters sitting on his lap

"Haha look who's here,someone looks nervous"he said

I completely ignored him

I then met up with luna

"Y/n!I was looking for you!what will you-"

"Not now Where's luna?"i asked

"She's in health care but-"

"I'll see you later then"i said not having time to talk

I teleported away and right besides the door to her room

I entered as I saw she was laying on her bed with shadow sitting on a chair resting her head on the side of the bed

Hannah however was awake and she saw me enter her room


"I'm here hannah"i said

She then smiled her usual smile that she did to me

"Why do you look so upset?you're not cute like that you know?"she commented

I decided to smile,as I approached her bed and sat on the side

"I'm sorry"i apologized with the smile getting weaker

"For what?"

"I wasn't there for you when you needed me,I could have waited on the whole felicia getting killed stuff"

"But if you made it any later she would be dead,and besides you can't expect yourself to always be there for everyone,you're not a god"she said

"I will"i said


"I will become a god just for you,the strongest of all gods if I have to"i said

She smiled a warm smile,like the one she would do before ramming my face in her bust

"You know y/n,for a second I was going to say that you're cute for thinking that as I sign I don't believe you

But looking back at all the things you did?I'm really doubting that

But please don't do anything too rash,during the blood moon"she said as she had her hands in my cheek

"You know I can't do that,not only is it coming sooner but the grimm might be more powerful"i said

"Please don't go too far away from the battlefield"she begged me

"I won't"i said as I decided to let her rest

I looked at the sun setting as I was on the tallest tower of the school

'Yeah I won't be far from the battlefield,a battlefield is a place where you fight your enemies

And I'm going to the main center of it


Well here goes another chapter,also stay safe from the virus,especially if you have parents that are quite old,it may affect them without you realizing it

You don't want to end up dating Corona chan

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