vacation special

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Weeks after the whole ordeal of the world end and bringing it back,I was in a good month long vacation as I had a new robotic arm to replace my old one as it was still in a skeletal state

I was currently in my temporary room in the school dorms since the capital is still being rebuilt along with kyubey and arkhaon preparing my luggage for a trip we were going to go in for the coming of summer vacation

"So where will you be going?"asked kyubey

"The same hotel that we went to when I first discovered my powers"i said as I smiled and had a backpack on ready to go

"Oh yeah,I remember that place,it'll feel weird to go back there won't it"said arkhaon who was climbing on my shoulder

"You're right about that,mostly because I have more friends to go with me now than before"i said as I opened the door of my room to be greeted by renka coming to embrace me

"Y/N!!"she shouted as she buried my face in her giant bust

"Mmmmphhhmmphhmmm!!!"I couldn't say anything because I was suffocated by her large chest

"I missed you so much!were you scared without me being there?answer honestly!"she said

"I'm okay renka,I have kyubey and arkhaon to protect me after all,that is until the guys back at the empire are done rebuilding everything and can then work on something for me"i said as frowned

"Y/n,take it as you will but you aren't as strong as you used to,and you got people who are looking out for you so please don't be so reckless"she told me

"Don't worry I won't"i reassured her as I started to carry my luggage with my new arm as I tried to lift it but I stopped when sparks came out of the arm

"Guess it can't handle moderately heavy stuff yet"i said as renka held it for me

"Don't worry I'll help you"she said taking it from me as we both smiled

Kyubey joined me as arkhaon was still on my shoulder and we began walking to the main area of the school as renka looked ecstatic

We got down to the lobby where we met with all of our friends

"BOYFRIEND!!!"shouted shadow jumping towards me making me fall due to not being as resilient as before

Woah there be careful friend"said rimuru as I didn't even notice he got behind me holding both of us

Luna then approached me along with altera

"In any case we're going back to the hotel where we met to celebrate the new year"she said

"You're right"

"Ah!there you are you two!"said renka as I looked over to see sarah and mizuki coming towards us while I waved at them as mizuki waved back happily and sarah waved the same with an awkward smile

"Anyways!are you all ready kids?"asked kyubey as we all cheered together as we got on our private vehicle to go there as I was seating on the side to watch the scenery go by with arkhaon and kyubey

"I remember when I sent that behemoth to come and kill you you know?good times" remarked kyubey

"I'm kind of concerned at your definition of good times"

"Well I certainly had fun!"said kyubey as he then layed on my lap

Him mentioning that event made me look at my arm,I've really come a long way since then

"Don't worry about it,you look more like an emperor now,all that's left is a big cape,an eyepatch,and a flaming sword and you'll be set"

"You're right plus it can do this!"I said as my new arm started spinning

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