the end of the warp

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Y/n was flying through a portal that would take him to the warping his new form

normally such a task would take him some time but after the first death of the goddesses he became a true god as he was now going to fight the gods of the warp and kill the person named kyubey for what they had done to his godmothers

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normally such a task would take him some time but after the first death of the goddesses he became a true god as he was now going to fight the gods of the warp and kill the person named kyubey for what they had done to his godmothers

Now that he had the power,there is no way for them to survive no matter what they pull

This will be the end of the warp and their gods altogether

Then a portal opened revealing the warp

Let the chaos begin

+++++++++++marauder PoV+++++++++++

I was held captive in the warp,my old home if I could call it that

I was bound by molten chains in one place by my arms and head as I was forced on my knees as they had 10cm wide screws from my thighs to my legs

"How does it feel to come back traitor?"asked one of the warp demons who looked like one of the goblins found on planet earth

"I would rather be used as the nest for tyranids rather than be here"i responded

"Hihihihihihihi!!!while you were gone we developed quite the amusement attractions and some were specially designed for traitors like you,that's to say

You personally"said the small demon

Then the door opened to reveal

The smaller demon cowered in fear

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The smaller demon cowered in fear

"Look at you,you are nothing but a usurper,a false idol,you were one of the fiercest warp demons yet look at you now

You have been softened by the humans

You have grown powerless

You are weak"

"I'm you"i responded which prompted him to kick me in my face,this made my mask fall off revealing my torn mouth with only teeth being the remaining part of it

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