childhoods end (1/2)

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Me,alys,arkhaon and kyubey were climbing up the glowing stairs that would take us to mother as we had left gilgamesh,hassan and the doomslayer behind to fend off our zombified friends

After running for what seemed to me like hours I stopped to breathe a little bit

"How long has it been since we started running?"I asked

"The same as right now or as we woke up because there is no concept of time here"said arkhaon

"Dammit,I don't have the stones anymore so cut me some slack will ya?"I asked him

"Should've exercised more,the moment renka came to your castle you stopped exercising you only have yourself to blame"said arkhaon

"Wait but we're going to fight grandma right?how are we going to beat her?she's the most omnipotent being to ever exist!(more than the plot armor)"said alys

"Not really,she's still comparatively weak compared to what she used to be,the reason for that being that she had expanded her entire being into the world we used to live in creating multiple dimensions,timelines and universes"said kyubey

"And yet I still died trying to fight her"cursed arkhaon

"So does that mean we have a shot?"I asked kyubey

"Only 1%,and it's decreasing rapidly as we talk,because right now she's eating worlds and dimensions like a kid eating cereals first in the morning"

Are you comparing me to a child?and how dare you act like their ally after you mercilessly killed one of my son's helpers


Y/n,why do you think the marauder isn't here?do you really think I turned him into a ghoul like all the others?

"You did that to his friends!!why the hell wouldn't you do it to the guy?"asked arkhaon

then a large screen appeared in front of us as it displayed kyubey punching a massive hole into the marauder as the latter fell down dead

This made me drop the gauntlet as arkhaon caught it


I didn't believe what I saw in that screen as I turned to kyubey



"Idiot!just like how i am willing to help you now,I was willing to kill you all"said kyubey

"JUST HOW MANY MORE WERE YOU GOING TO KILL?!"I shouted as I approached him more and more

"As many as it would take me to finish my goal"he said

I was losing control and then punched him which barely did anything

"You son of a bitch I hope you die with us!!"I shouted

He then summoned a sickle

"This can be done"he said

"STOP IT YOU TWO!!don't you see this is what she is trying to do!she wants us to fight each other!!"

And you alys,my beloved granddaughter,don't you realize that your father is right here?and I'm not talking about Y/n

"My father?"

"Shit!"cursed arkhaon

Yes,arkhaon is your father,the man who you were looking for

Alys stayed silent looking down,no one knew what she would do

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