new meets old

807 21 15

I was asleep and having a dream,and a weird one at that

I wasn't part of that dream as it seemed more like a memory then anything else

I could see a teenager boy wounded with unimaginable wounds,like a giant hole in his chest where his heart is supposed to be,half of his jaw completely gone,and he was missing an arm and a leg

However he didn't seem to care as he was crying loudly

And he was holding someone I couldn't see

You could clearly see they were a humanoid being because of their silhouette and must have had something more because they had wings that were torn apart

But the problem was I couldn't see WHO they were

They're face was non existant,it was like he was holding an unfinished portrait and with a glitchy voice they said

"DoN't WoRrY,yOu CaN kIlL mE aS mAnY tImEs As PoSsIbLe I WiLl NeVeR sToP lOvInG yOu

BeCaUsE aFtEr AlL

yOu'Re...."the glitches on their face was dissapearing

And the dream ended

And was greeted by a squishy pillow bigger than my head but I could easily know what it was

I was going to push her away when I felt something there,the entire mass in my head was soft squishy and smooth but then there was this one area,just one that felt like it had a spot

She stepped too far this time

"Taihou!!what the hell are you doing in my room?!?!"I shouted

She woke up rubbing her eyes

"Emperor,don't you remember?yesterday you and I spent the most memorable day of my life"she said as I finally dug myself out from her never ending abyss

Then saw that she was not only barely covered but naked as well

And I felt the covers TOO well for my comfort

I took a look under my bed sheet and


"Are you sure you don't remember last night?"she asked

"What?!I remember going to the grinm world,but everything is fuzzy,I also remember giving hannah the flower and then nothing

"Wait,are you telling me that-"i didn't finish my sentence as I turned to her and saw the  smile she had on her face

I went over to my phone

"Uh hey can you call,the doom slayer real quick?"I asked a night sentinel as I hung up the phone and looked at taihou

"Apparently he's nearby"i said as she then had a look of terror on her face and wore her clothes at an unimaginable speed and ran out of the room

But as soon as she left,I felt something move down there

I swear if she brought someone else with her

I looked under the covers to see a black blob there that came out of nowhere


But I decided not to delve too deep into the question as I was looking at it as it started to take form

It formed normal limbs,but with a head bigger than the a normal human heads with big hands and large feet it started to grow quills out of it body like fur,the tips of the quills on his head turned red as it grew large eyes with red retinas and it started growing accessories as well

It formed normal limbs,but with a head bigger than the a normal human heads with big hands and large feet it started to grow quills out of it body like fur,the tips of the quills on his head turned red as it grew large eyes with red retinas and it...

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Then it looked at me and a little lower


I panicked which made me fall off the bed but I fell with bed sheets so I could cover myself with

"W-who are you?"I asked

"Hmm?isn't this obvious?I'm the emperor of the emperium of chaos,you're predecessor

Arkhaon!!"he announced in a badass voice

The rest would have been as well if it wasn't for the fact he was just a cute little hedgehog

"I'm confused what's going on?"

"Remember that time you fought that tsukuyomi?and how you lost control for a second?that was me,and when you went to the grimm world that was also me

And your body somehow rejected me and here I am before you"he said

"Wow,I can't believe I'm sitting in front of the king emperor himself!it's awesome!"I said

He nodded with a full proud smile on his face

Then the doom slayer entered the room as an alarm was going off he didn't say a words as I understood what he meant

I quickly pur on my clothes and followed him as.i carried arkhaon with me and we went on our way

It was on the castle yard that it happened

"Sorry emperor but watching weird has fallen from the sky couldn't be seen asxall the guards were present and then out of it came a really beauty of her own league

"Sorry emperor but watching weird has fallen from the sky couldn't be seen asxall the guards were present and then out of it came a really beauty of her own league

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"Hi father

It's me alys"she said



Sorry for the short chapter but the lemon one drained me out but next time I'll be okay don't worry also I managed to follow 400 sm

Sorry for the short chapter but the lemon one drained me out but next time I'll be okay don't worry also I managed to follow 400 sm

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