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After we got out of the bathroom, Trey went to his next class while I went to my first period to pick up my school bag I left behind. The teacher was staring at me once again, along with the students in the class. I heard my name whispered with Trey's in the same sentence and knew the rumors had definitely spread already.

It was only second period too. I groaned quietly to myself, predicting how my friends were probably going to react.

When I walked into my second class for the day–ten minutes late–the students were all staring at me. My teacher, Mrs. Miller, ignored me as I walked to my desk and sat down. A few students were still giving me glances, probably wondering about what happened in first period.

"I miss you." Trey suddenly said and I resisted rolling my eyes. I was already irritated enough, but to have Dog start commenting...

"Not again, Dog." I added the last part just to annoy him, but he continued on anyway, not offended by his pet name.

"I miss you. I wish I could be next to you again."

I sighed, giving in to his sweet words. "I miss you too, Trey. But shut up and listen to class so I can do the same."

"But I want to talk to you."

"We just saw each other like five minutes ago."

"I know." He was silent for a few seconds. "Have you made up your mind yet?"

I knew it. "No."

"Why not? It should be an easy answer." He sincerely sounded surprised that I wasn't saying yes right away. But how could I? He was with Helen for the whole week we were separated, and yet, he was willing to so easily throw her aside just to spend time with me. The Dog that I knew would've never made such a heartless remark as that. Were they really one and the same? "You know, I can hear everything you're thinking."

I slightly twitched from surprise at his voice suddenly interrupting my thoughts. "Get out of my head, Trey." I said in a warning tone.

"Just to let you know, I'm really Dog. It's just that I'm Trey now, so I don't have the feelings of wanting to be your companion."

"I don't understand." I slowly said confused.

Trey paused before asking, "Are you sure you want to know? I thought you wanted to listen in class."

"Just tell me." I said in an annoyed tone. How could he just dangle that thread in front of me and not expect me to grab it?

"Okay." He said casually. "For werewolves, our behavior and personalities depend on what form we're in. When I was Dog, my main purpose was to please you because I wanted you to allow me to be by your side. It could be described in a sort of companion sense."

"So that one time when you said you might attack me when I was naked, you were joking?"

My curiosity was piqued when he completely ignored my statement and moved on with his explanation. "In our human forms, that's the most normal we'll be. It's close to how we really are, but it's missing one crucial point we have as werewolves. But that makes me wonder, Willow. Do you like me as a human? As Trey?"

"Of course I like you as Trey. You're practically the same." I paused. "Except you're a little meaner than Dog."

"I've always been likes this. But as I said before, when I was Dog, I wanted to be acknowledged by you and didn't want you to be disappointed in me. So I did my best to be kind and stay by your side."

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