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"What?" Trey's voice was hushed.

I was so shocked that I didn't realize that enemies fading into the woods until they disappeared. My hand slowly rose and I placed it on top of my stomach. I hadn't noticed any differences at all in my body. How long has it been this way?

How long have I been harboring another life in my body?

A glee grew in me. Another life was inside of me, and I was grateful for it. Because of Rina, I've come to value life, but for me to be the one to give it...I wanted it. I wanted the child in me.

When I looked up at Trey, a smile on my lips, I saw that his face was filled with horror. His lips were parted and his eyes were wide open. He wasn't staring at anything in particular but just the ground in front of him.

Memories of the conversation we had before mating season flooded my head. Trey told me he had never participated in the actual act because he didn't want children. He didn't want the responsibility of having one.

He didn't want the child in me.

"Trey." I whispered his name with a tremble in my voice.

Slowly, he shook his head. "No." he said, cracking my heart. "A baby? A child? No. We can't."

Fury erupted in me and I shot my hand out to grab a fistful of his hair to pull him down so he looked at me in the eyes. Startled, he stared at me with wide eyes.

"Maybe you can't, but I can." I glared. "The baby is staying, whether you like it or not."

"Willow..." Karen softly said and came over to me. She gently placed a hand on atop mine that was gripping Trey's hair. "It's not what you think. The fool's just not saying everything in his mind."

I released him, but my anger didn't cool down. "He's told me enough. Before mating season, he told me he didn't want the responsibility of children."

"Karen's right, Willow." Drew chuckled. "Trey's just thinking about protecting the two of you."

It didn't make sense, and I just directed another glare at him.

"God, Willow." He groaned and kissed me. I tried to push him away, but he captured both my hands in one of his and continued to kiss me until I felt like my head was a balloon.

He finally let me pull away with a gasp. "What was that for?"

"You needed to calm down." He paused. "I needed to calm down." Then he brought one of my hands to his lips and pressed them together. "I know that Rina's important to you, Willow. I could never forget her. It's not what you think at all."

I remained quiet, waiting for his explanation.

Trey sighed. "Everything went by quickly in my head. A baby that you and I created? I'm going to be a father? And you'll be the mother of that child? I could die from happiness, Willow. I'd love to have a family with you. But then I thought about the war. And how...horrific it would be if they captured you." he shook his head. "Not only will they get you, they'll get our baby too."

"But before mating season, you said you didn't want a child because of the responsibility." I stared at him, looking for any signs that he was lying.

He gazed into my eyes. "I still don't want just any kid. But if it's yours and mine...God, I'd do anything to make sure we have it. The only thing I'm worried about now is that the Blood Moon Pack now knows and they'll do anything to harm you two because of me."

I released a sigh of relief before tugging him down for a kiss. "You idiot. That just means you'll have to do your best to protect me." After I pulled back, I said with a smile, "I'm glad you want the baby."

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